I'll chime in to say their "Enterprise Linux" support is (or at least WAS in 2015) merely a wine wrapper. That said, I strongly dislike ESRI and would recommend any number of open source alternatives.
It doesn't look bad, but it doesn't necessarily look better than ReVolt which is how old now?
My assumption is that you'd need to actually fold these to work and that by selecting the inputs and laying them flat, the output naturally also lays flat. If there is a way to properly read them via the diagrams I'd love to know though.
I'm torn, but I think I'd take steroids to prevent child slavery.
I wonder if a credit voucher kind of system could work. Rather than give the money directly to the ISPs who will take the money and change nothing. What if each user in the area was given a credit voucher for their share. They don't get to keep the money, but can choose to spend their voucher via an ISP who meets the criteria. Customers see direct benefit because they're "purchasing" services with govt money and ISPs can't just take the money without reinvesting.
ISO-8601 over all other formats. 2023-08-09T21:11:00Z
Simple, sortable, intuitive.
From what I understand, even if the current and magnetic field of this superconductor are low, it has:
- Identified a process for creating new superconductive materials
- Proven that ambient temperature and pressure superconductors are possible
I'm curious if Piastri would've been able to hold off Hamilton with the hards. Assuming they delayed the pit stop until the VSC.
I don't wish harm on Max, but if he could bin it tomorrow and McLaren finish 1/2 I would be so happy.
Easily the best race of the season in my opinion. Battles up and down the grid. Not too many dull moments.
I love race sims, but I always come back to Trackmania!