Naja, wenn der kleine Bernd h. nicht höchstpersönlich die Stimmen verfälscht hat und jemand anderer den Befehl gegeben hat geht das wohl jetzt vom Gericht her. Das hat schon konsequenzen die man ausnutzen könnte.
I think it would. Its still a bad idea to allow proprietary modules though. It also allows for EEE shenanigans. I hope they reconsider.
...yeah, nobody used it after it became obvious that they put a backdoor in it...
Extremely cool. Perhaps a right step in the direction of hallucination free LLMs?
Great idea, im wondering myself, since it was a core goal of framasofts peertube to have donation integration or something similar, but it never happened. Hope someone is still working on it.
Ja eben, ich hatte gedacht die Piraten würden gegen Sperrungen und Löschungen aller Art im Internet sein.
press l when you are at the part you want to loop and l again where you want it to end.
Sounds pretty great! Thats a lot of money for free software projects...
haha uff, danke
Lets not do open washing here. Its not open source, as that would require it having an open source compatible license, which it does not have, see the open source definition: