[-] toothbrush 9 points 1 week ago

I prefer the "no tankie" rule, all it means is if you identify as tankie, you are not welcome. Which filters out a lot of problematic behavior.

[-] toothbrush 9 points 3 months ago

Tuxkart is really great! One of the really good FOSS games, it has multiplayer and it even supports the wiimote :)

[-] toothbrush 8 points 3 months ago

They loose a bit in coherence but there are still great episodes, in my opinion.

[-] toothbrush 9 points 3 months ago

Well, we are in the lemmy subforum named "open source" so its implied.

[-] toothbrush 8 points 5 months ago

what is up with wayland standards taking so long to finalise? They have been chewing on HDR for over 4 years now...

[-] toothbrush 9 points 8 months ago

I have many DE's installed right now and I never encountered any problems because of it, these issues sound really bizarre. With the cinnamon thing it sounds like cinnamon mangles something while running, but you would still have this problem if you only ever installed cinnamon, so... ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

[-] toothbrush 8 points 9 months ago

mpv can do all of these things, check the manual on how to do this: https://mpv.io/manual/stable/

mpv also exists for android, however the controls are a bit different (because touch controls) and im not sure if you can do all of these things without a keyboard.

[-] toothbrush 8 points 1 year ago

That sounds both dystopian and amazing. Bio-neural-CPU's when?

[-] toothbrush 9 points 1 year ago

I've been waiting a very long time for this. This is the first GNUnet(aka the alternative more private internet stack) project to ever make it out of the prototype phase, and it lays the groundwork for more GNUnet projects. Also, this is probably the best version of the Digital-Euro idea, with none of the privacy drawbacks such projects usually have.

I didnt think it would ever happen!

[-] toothbrush 8 points 1 year ago


[-] toothbrush 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

IANAL, but as far as I know you dont have to proactively remove illegal content, just the stuff you were made aware of.

So all this drama about federating illegal content is very much overblown.

Edit: sorry about calling it "drama", didnt know the full extent of whats currently happening. (malicious users spamming CP)

[-] toothbrush 9 points 2 years ago
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