Gives me big 90s vibe for some reason
Man I'm Nicaraguan, I've lived abroad for a while now in Europe and I find it hilarious that everyone instantly associates her with yzma when I show pictures of them two just like all Nicaraguans do xD
As another curiosity there's a church in Nicaragua that has a painting from the early 20th century where the devil appears and he literally looks like Ortega, I guess them two are a perfect match
Well so far I've been doing for legs are the following
Squats 3 Sets 6 Reps
Barbell Lunges 3 Sets 6 Reps
Sumo Deadlifts 3 Sets 6 Reps
Side to Side Lunges 3 Sets 6 Reps/Side
I can complete the 3 sets of squats and the sumo dead lifts I have no issues there but struggle immensely with the lunges. I'll check Jeff but I think I'll need to work out into refining my workouts so I can get the most out of them.
Hi thanks for your response, I'm not saying it's necessarily bad like trust me I wish I could help her get better and for her to realize that there's something going on with her and that's not necessarily her fault but the thing with her is that she's unwilling to do something despite I've tried in subtle ways to let her know she needs to go and seek help in order to feel better and make sense of her things just like what happened with me and my ADHD and depression. Nonetheless I think that it is really difficult to stick with someone that's unwilling to seek the help needed and that's harming people around her you know ? And I know it is cause of the disorder that she might be unable to proceed with the steps in order for her to get better but at the same time the damage she has done to other people and to herself is getting out of control and sadly I cannot do anything even tho I tried to give her all the love and empathy possible, like she cheated on me, deminished my feelings and went to the point that she said I didn't have anything wrong with me and that I was just a selfish person even tho I've tried to stay with her until I couldn't do it anymore. I know it is hard for you too trust me I get it and still till this day I wish I could help her shine and get better I loved her truly with all my heart but I think she'll need to crash in order to realize that she has an issue and she pushed people that cared away
Sorry if It sounded I was not being empathetic but trust me again I know what you mean you are humans and you deserve what we are looking for love and comprehension. Send you a big hug and I'm glad that you managed to take the steps to get better
This is how it actually feels like being addicted to a drug and it's hard to run away since I got used to sleep with her and do things with her all the time plus the whole fact that I had this crush on her since I was a teen makes it worst cause I imagined I ended up idealizing a relationship with her but she's a broken glass and she'll never be happy with anyone cause she thinks everyone is disposable and she'll be looking for the next big thing really disgusting behaviour really
That sounds horrible really I'm sorry you had to go through that and I cannot even imagine how it should be to deal with someone in your family with those traits. But definitely I feel that once I manage to break the loop in my head I'll have a lot of development emotionally and psychologically.
Also thanks for your last words, I need to remind myself I'm a good person and have a lot going on for myself and as well it already happened as soon as I stopped beging her to talk she came back trying to catch me and the cycle repeated itself I need to cut her completely from my life and detox.
Thanks again and courage for you as well.
Yeah now I'm getting to that realization, I don't know how much the fact I had a crush on her and the persona she showed online and at the beginning stages of the relationship made me fall for the death trap, a year ago I had a big breakup with someone I was actually going to marry and all and left me on a really bad state and blocked my emotions until a met this girl like no joke the first date was so magical that made me want to feel love again but know I'm more fearful of any connection even tho I crave it so bad since I want to feel I have a partner that can see what I'm inside.
At the risk of being a bit harsh, I wonder if this song applies?
I know the the offspring hell long time no listening to that song I completely forgot it's existence used to be really into punk when I was a teen you brought me back in time, but yeah definitely I feel that way currently. I also think about this song when I ponder about the situation I'm in currently also a bit rough if you're down but gotta love it haha
Also thanks for your recommendations I'll give them a read or try to grab an audio book version to manage to go thru them, you mentioned self love and to be honest I really don't know if I have low self esteem like I used to when I was a teen I was always the odd one because of my preferences in music, movies or topics I liked in general tho I started wearing the weird title as a badge of honor and cultivated my knowledge and abilities more than my physique, now I made more of a compromise with my looks since I'm an adult and well I have to fit in society but still inside I love my brain and how it saved me from a lot off stuff in my whole life, but now I know I could be with someone that treats me properly and I'm charming in my own weird way it's just that somehow she played with my brain to the point I'm just running in circles for no reason and I feel so dumb that I cannot get out of this loop, hell I even remember at the very beginning telling her that I could see the walls she created around herself with her online persona and that I could see thru them and I knew she's actually fragile inside but didn't realize that fits into what narcissist actually do and couldn't see the red flag.
Overall I think me being a "weird" person growing up made me feel empathy for everyone since I suffered abuse from people most of my life and people usually exploit that trait for their benefit.
Yes definitely some of the things there are of the ones she've said to me. At the beginning I couldn't tell if I was right or wrong to be honest since (and I'll get a bit personal here) the first time we had an issue was over some random girl that she deemed less (she actually said she was a whore) told her that she dated me for a short while and she was trying to frame me as disgusting over that and that how I never told her I dated that girl, thanks to ADHD and being a bit of a neofite in relationships I assumed I was in the wrong for not being totally open over that, but now I know it is not normal to have to talk who I dated before hell I never asked who she dated previously cause I truly don't care.
I'm so scared that now I'm in for a ride since she'll be leaving to Europe for a beauty pageant and the thought that she might find someone "better" than me ticks my rejection fears and hypersensitivity the wrong way.
Hey I couldn't find a picture of the things you can do with that I shared particularly but I found one that's similar and these are the type of stuff you seem to be able to do.
Hey thanks for your response, should I find program catered directly to be used with these type of machines? I'm a complete noob I've never gone to the gym.
As a Latin American it is so surreal to see American politicians behave the same way as their counterparts in countries like Nicaragua and Venezuela, hopefully things are not going to go down this route
Dedo Hewlett came to my mind particularly tank girl and early Gorillaz, love it really... I might be a bit nosy now but do you have any comics projects or something?