[-] tauisgod@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

When the legal system is rigged to allow corporations to exploit and extort the average citizen this is the one of the few avenues we have left. If I kill a person, I go to jail. If a healthcare CEO generates record profits by denying care to people who have paid into the system, he's protected from his actions by corporate law, and even rewarded with large sums of money.

I understand your point, but it's based on the false assumption that we live in a just, single tiered justice system

[-] tauisgod@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

Ever since Trump gave that award to the drug addict, AM radio cockrider Limbaugh it's become meaningless.

[-] tauisgod@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago

The old model was named the Long Life Vehicle (LLV) for a reason. Ugly for sure, but rock sold. Designed in an era when the main concern was to last 6 digits on the odometer, powered by the iron duke engine. Moderately efficient at the time of its design in the late 70s, but absolutely dependable.

[-] tauisgod@lemmy.world 13 points 5 months ago

You're right, it's just small beans gossip.

It's also just one more example to throw on the pile of why it's completely stupid that he has such a large following of devout Christians, who if they had actual moral principals would denounce him.

[-] tauisgod@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

A former company I used to work for has a nationally renound land and wildlife conservation department that draws internship applicants by the hundreds. They were unpaid but had agreements with the students schools where they earned credit hours as well as references for future employers.


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