[-] sylveon 12 points 3 days ago

They aren’t stranded, and there is no need to come back any sooner than is scheduled.

But then Trump couldn't make himself look like their saviour, which is all he cares about.

[-] sylveon 38 points 1 week ago

Please let us use the original 196 again :(

[-] sylveon 74 points 1 week ago

The combination of not involving the community in the decision, only providing a vague reason and locking the original community really rubs me the wrong way.

[-] sylveon 54 points 3 months ago

Either Harris or Trump are going to win the election. Not voting for Harris is voting for Trump. Yes, it fucking sucks, but especially if you're a woman or a queer person, really think about whether you actually think it doesn't matter which one wins.

Voting is not an endorsement of a candidate. It's a tool. Don't let them take away your rights while you're waiting for the perfect candidate that will never come.

submitted 5 months ago by sylveon to c/metal@lemmy.world
[-] sylveon 39 points 6 months ago

It seems to me like you don't actually know what this community is about and you're just mad at the somewhat intentionally provocative title. You wouldn't be the first.

We don't want to take people's cars away. We want good urban planning so that not using a car becomes a viable alternative. If done right this also improves the lifes of people who still need cars for various reasons. If you live in a rural area you'll probably always need a car and that's fine.

[-] sylveon 47 points 6 months ago

I'm not sure what your point is. You come in here with this passive aggressive tone even though this community had nothing to do with the protest you're talking about. I get that it made you mad and you need a place to vent but this is not it.

Also, forming your political opinion based on the fact that some people made you mad is fallacious reasoning and very immature. Even if the protesters were advocating for the same points this community does, them being annoying does not invalidate (or validate) any of the arguments. Funnily enough, good public transport is actually the best and often only viable way to meaningfully improve traffic so you're acting against your own self-interest here.

[-] sylveon 31 points 6 months ago

Definitely polar bear. They look so cuddly but I would be terrified to even see one from afar.

[-] sylveon 76 points 7 months ago

Real programmers use a magnetized needle and a steady hand.

[-] sylveon 128 points 7 months ago

"Preparation purist" is wrong. You don't boil the tea, you steep it in hot water. For some teas, like black tea, you usually boil the water before pouring it over the tea, but other types of tea use water that isn't as hot (e.g. around 70-80°C for green tea).

Also, if you actually want to be an ingredient purist, tea must be made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis (or a closely related species).

[-] sylveon 65 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

How about actually tackling inequality instead of trying to hide it?

[-] sylveon 45 points 1 year ago

Edge also uses Chromium. If you want to avoid that then Firefox (including derivatives like LibreWolf, Waterfox or SeaMonkey) and Safari are pretty much your only options.

[-] sylveon 36 points 2 years ago

In addition to sustainability concerns others have mentioned, capitalism is also inherently unjust. You earn money by having money and many of those who work the hardest are also the poorest.

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