[-] swlabr@awful.systems 19 points 2 months ago

I actually have a shrimp torture farm. It brings me infinite joy. However its running costs are quite high and I require donations to keep it going

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 19 points 5 months ago

Enter promo code MAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOP to save 10% on purchases up to $420.69

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 19 points 5 months ago

Also: note that it is centred around her sister. Note to self: do not direct LLM to write erotica about a sibling, because that is not a normal thing to do for someone turning over a new leaf.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 20 points 6 months ago

This fractal sucks because it’s the voices of the underprivileged that need to be amplified. Using gen AI will smother them entirely.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 19 points 6 months ago

We are looking for extremely talented aerospace engineers to help bring our prototypes to fruition. If you know any aerodynamics, propulsion, or GNC engineers who are interested in building something incredibly cool and want to make a positive difference in geopolitics, please send them our way!

interested in building something incredibly cool and want to make a positive difference in geopolitics

That is certainly one way of putting it, jesus fucking christ.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 19 points 6 months ago

Trust me when I say there’s nothing worth reading in the article beyond the headline:

He would be right if he meant in the sense that Bruce Wayne ineffectively leads a personal crusade motivated by unresolved childhood angst, and that the world would be much better off if his money was just spent on basics needs for the people and he went to therapy.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 19 points 1 year ago

If I were the judge handing out the sentence:

“Well, if your son is a strict utilitarian, let it be known that I am a utility monster and would derive infinite utilcoins from him being in jail for a million forevers.”

I would not make a good judge.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 20 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Nothing is sacred to anyone who is willing to consume or make this kinda thing. 100% of showcases of AI capability are just AIs copying something humans do. Sometimes it’s chess. Other times it’s copying Monet, of Van Gogh, or in this case, Carlin.

This is exactly the kind of thing that the WGA was striking against and what big media corporations want to have happen. As shown by some of the comments in this thread there are people that are absolutely fine with facsimile as art. It’s all bad and I hate it. I especially hate how nostalgia for the classics is gonna drive this.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 20 points 1 year ago

There’s a lot of stupidity to unpack in that first tweet.

  • “I’m called a Nazi” honestly first I’m hearing of it, so to me this is self identification
  • “White culture” I imagine grimes here is saying “anything that someone who would at first glance look like a modern white person has done in all of history”
  • “Brown king Cyrus the Great” I’m not racist because one of the historical figures i think about every day is brown!
  • “who invented the first empire” ah yeah he MacGuyver’d one together with pure brown ingenuity, sticktoitiveness, and a plastic straw
  • “Japanese icon Murasaki Shikibu[‘s] … first novel ever” tangent: perhaps this is just my own brand of degeneracy on display here: grimes is referring to “The Tale of Genji”, which I mainly know about because some of the core relationships in the book revolve around adults grooming their wards into spouses (it was a different time), which has popped up nowadays in the discourse of some fiction coming out of Japan (see Usagi Drop). So I’m tempted to project onto grimes a veneration for grooming, which kinda tracks, but it’s a stretch.
  • “What if humans just loved each other?” You’re like 3 years late to former IDF member Gal Gadot’s imagine video

Gotta love the way that TESCREALnts write and how they have a tendency to generate fractally stupid things like this. There’s so much more you could say. Basically, if I could say “that’s not how any of this works” to Grimes, I would.

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 20 points 1 year ago

It's gotta be a rule that nothing earns you more clout with internet weirdos than defending pedophiles/ephlehebbleleoflphiles

[-] swlabr@awful.systems 20 points 1 year ago

He didn’t have the balls/money/negotiation skills to buy tay off of microsoft

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