She knows she'll be in high demand. This article might actually prove that she's pretty good at the job.
Same can be said about those promoting Jill Stein and other spoiler parties.
He's got porn to watch and racist, misogynistic screeds to write.
Nah, Statler and Waldorf are sharp enough to justifiably talk shit on everyone else.
The debate was pretty similar to this though:
The person in the image is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States from 1933 to 1945. He was effected to four terms and died in office, shortly after his fourth inauguration (now there's a two term limit). The name in the title refers to Bernie Sanders, who OP wishes had been nominated and elected in 2016.
You can be the defense attorney, Joe
Is it clickbait? Sounds like the crowd was just easily guilted into applause after seeing the in memoriam. The boos sound like their actual reaction to the film.
I need supplemental oxygen at less than 1 fathom under water, if I stay there long enough...
Might still be a lifetime ban... you never know...
noise bois