I've been trying to ignore most of the news cycle, and enjoy the month. I've been out to my friends as "transfemme on the inside" for years but this pride I asked a small group to use she/her and the name "Sarah" for me
I've also taken time to explicitly be more femme, even if it's just been in the house
It's been a good month, even if it's been contained. My town has been supportive, but it's residents are a mixed bag - a small blip of acceptance in a pretty unaccepting area
No worries about having the time wrong, I was surprised when it was going to be starting around 5
A buddy and I were 3rd row, and I had a blast! I'll say up front I don't keep up much with either brand
Some of the match endings felt a bit abrupt, and there were a few mistakes made earlier in the show, but overall some good spots, a good surprise in the Douki v Callihan match, and a good crowd