submitted 1 month ago by sapphiria to c/breadtube@lemmy.world
[-] sapphiria 57 points 1 month ago

Can't help but be a little disappointed. The last few consoles have all been pretty drastically different, but this is just the Switch released again. Only with different connections so you need all new accessories.

Power doesn't panic rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 2 months ago by sapphiria to c/196
Cost of Doing Business Rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 3 months ago by sapphiria to c/196

Based on this video

[-] sapphiria 51 points 4 months ago

I didn't realize it was April 1st already.

"Alarmo" sounds like an elf name from Disenchantment.

[-] sapphiria 37 points 7 months ago

The implication that capitalism will be with us until the heat death of the universe is soooo depressing.

submitted 7 months ago by sapphiria to c/are_the_straights_ok
MuseScore in Au(rule)besh (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 7 months ago by sapphiria to c/196

MuseScore decided to use the Aurebesh font instead of my default font. I guess it must have picked the first one alphabetically. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tempted to leave it like this and just learn basic.

[-] sapphiria 78 points 7 months ago

I'm still saddened by thinking of what could have been. I don't think we'd be as worried this election if it was Sanders running for a second term.

[-] sapphiria 65 points 7 months ago

🤔 Definitely sus. Maybe the thought process was that it would seem weak or disgraceful to step down after the debate, so they wanted a more natural way of having him exit.

[-] sapphiria 46 points 8 months ago

Top right is Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

[-] sapphiria 28 points 8 months ago

I believe that's called executive dysfunction.

[-] sapphiria 24 points 9 months ago

Wait, discord is also doing this?

[-] sapphiria 260 points 10 months ago

Older generations didn't fail us, the bourgeoisie did. Don't let capitalists get away with reframing class struggle as generational struggle when that's not what it is. Poor folks of past generations weren't the problem. It was the ones wealthy enough to have political influence and control that were the problem. And that will continue being true for future generations so long as capitalism exists.

[-] sapphiria 34 points 1 year ago

Is this how Java web tokens were transported back in the day?

submitted 1 year ago by sapphiria to c/askandroid@lemdro.id

I'm looking for an app that allows me to set long term goals with the individual steps that are needed for each of those goals. Similar to a bunch of todo lists, but that allows me to easily see my progress on the home screen via a graph/progress widget of some kind.

Some example goals are buying a house or publishing a new website. That sort of long term project where there are no strict deadlines, but there are clearly defined tasks.

I've spent over an hour looking so far but have come up dry. I'm having a hard time finding relevant apps when searching, as I keep getting results for habit trackers - which isn't at all what I'm looking for. The tasks I want to track are not time sensitive, so they don't have any date associated with them. They are also not repeatable.

The widget part is particularly important to me, because if the list of things to do is tucked away behind an app, or even not on the first page of my home screen, then I'll just forget about it. (Pretty sure I have ADHD.)

I'm also not too keen on having to setup an account or give any personal info away - but if I find an app that for sure can provide what I need then I'll probably cave on that. I just don't want to end up with a bunch of accounts for apps I won't even use.

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Or maybe some search terms that might show something closer to what I'm looking for? Any help is greatly appreciated, and if you've read this far I hope you're having a wonderful day! 🙃

[-] sapphiria 24 points 2 years ago

I didn't know Instagram was Canada's sole source of news. You learn something new every day.

submitted 2 years ago by sapphiria to c/guildwars2@lemmy.wtf

Thought I'd share it here in case anyone was looking for something similar. It's based on the Windows instructions found here, but also adds GUI via kdialog.

This will create a folder next to the script named .gw2-account-manage and copy the Local.dat files between this folder and the game's appdata folder. To set it up, you just need to save this script to a file somewhere (I have it in /home/deck/gw2-account-manage), make it executable via chmod +x gw2-account-manage, and update the launch options in Steam.

Launch options should look something like this: /home/deck/gw2-account-manage "gamemoderun %command%"

You should be able to name each entry whatever you want - I just used account name since that's easier for me. Though I haven't tested it very thoroughly with special characters.


datfile="/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1284210/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/Guild Wars 2/Local.dat"

parentdir=$(readlink -f $(dirname "$0"))

if [ ! -f "$datfile" ]; then
    kdialog --error "Local.dat not found.\n\nExpected at:\n$datfile"

mkdir -p "$gw2amdir"

choose() {
    files=$(find "$gw2amdir" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 ls -tU)
    while read file; do
        options="$options \"$file\" \"$(basename $file)\""
    done < <(echo "$files")
    options="$options \"+\" \"Add a new account...\""

    choice=$(echo "$options" | xargs kdialog --menu \
        "Select an account:")

    if [ "+" = "$choice" ]; then
        newname=$(kdialog --inputbox "Account Name")
        if [ "$newname" ]; then
            cp "$datfile" "$gw2amdir/$newname"
        choose "$@"
    elif [ -f "$choice" ]; then
        cp -r "$choice" "$datfile"
        eval "$@"
        cp -r "$datfile" "$choice"

choose "$@"
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joined 2 years ago