Anti-migrant racism is strong in these comments. It is amazing how easily people who consider themselves left-wing turn to racism when it helps them politically.

I hope you are aware of how racist it is to call someone degenerate because they live in a certain country.

"Close them down, nothing of value in Russia at the moment". while talking about closing borders for Russian refugees. Hardly can be interpreted any other way then talking about human lives. But maybe you didn't know article was about migration, but by title alone assumed it was just sanctions.

I agree. Thank you then for your explaining. Sorry for misinterpreting your comment.

Any law that prohibits people that are fleeing a war from entering a country is a pro-war inhumane law that shouldn't exist. It is only moral to break any law that stops you from saving someone's life. A lot of people like to imagine that during ethnic cleansing in their countries they would be heroes that shelter people in secret, but it is obvious that even people who consider themselves left-wing, value law (the will of the state) more than human life.

[-] 28 points 7 months ago

Are you saying that there is no value in human life if it is someone that lives in Russia?

[-] 39 points 7 months ago

This is how Trump won in the first place, wikileaks published emails of Hilary's campaign doing this. Instead of critisizing her for being responsible for Trump, democrats blamed Russia and attecked Wikileaks as Russian spies, literally called for shooting the messenger.

This is a prime example of why voting for lesser evil is not a tactic in politics and the whole liberal ideology as whole that we just need to vote for right people, instead of removing powerful positions in government in the first place.


A good youtube channel with a lot of well-defined political terms and human history of decision making

[-] 16 points 7 months ago

This type of actions are done on purpose to blurry the line between civilians and army so no one knows who is who. Everyone is paranoid so hamas kills more civilans, so Israel government can kill more civilans in retribution. Over all, Isriaelly goverment will win, since they are backed by US and they will take over all the land from Palestinians.

This in not true at all. In all anarchist communities, equality is strictly enforced and anyone who tries to get a hold on power is either kicked out or murdered.

It is the people that take power. There where many anarchist communities all around the world, some of them still are. Even back before in stone age, before agriculture, most communities where without a leader and yet they strictly enforced rules. This is just propaganda, so people in power, can stay in power.

There is a good youtube channel called "What is politics?" that talks about these things.

Laws are only for the poor (
[-] 21 points 8 months ago

Slavery is already legal in US if you arrest a person first. That is an exception of the 13th amendment,

I assume that is why US has the biggest prison population in the World and is 6th country in the World by per capita incarceration rate (first western country). If China and India would incarcerate it's citizens as much as US, China would have 4 times and India 10 times it's current prison population. And of course white people are about 8 times less likely to be incarcerated then black people.

"Land of the free"

In my experience with regular everyday xenophobes, if you simply say that the only thing that is important to you is that somebody is a good person and all else doesn't matter, almost everyone will agree.

Fighting is usually counter-prodactive, most people aren't crazy, they just might be focused on unimportant things. Simply calm people down and bring focus on important issues, such as worker rights, corruption, self-organizing. Don't waste your time debating who should be allowed to participate in which sport competition.

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