Sex Junk
Naked tape futurism
Dig the clicky switches, dials, knobs, and levers on old audio equipment. I was intrigued by that dual knob so I paused for a second to try to figure out what it does. Looks like it's just a volume knob, the outer knob controls the left, and the inner controls the right microphone (best guess based on markings).
How the hell you spell chauffeur?
I appreciate you posting this here. I had not read a manifesto yet that sounded like it was legitimately his. This one seems internally consistent at least, as if it was written by a real person. Can never be sure.
In this one, it seems there's nothing for me to dislike, which makes me believe it was written by a real person, but even more cautious about believing it. I had, until now, only heard negative (from my pov) things about him. It is unusual for something like this to leak. The media tries it's best to keep the lid on contagious ideas. (Another reason to be incredulous)
I expect the media will try to give both sides something to dislike about him, to discourage idolatry and imitation. Feels like some 1984/Brave New World style social engineering to me.
Because.. the site winked.. out of existence for a minute?
Some day in the distant future (the year 2000!)
Green cap as new symbol of support? We definitely can't wear red ones anymore.
"3% COLA this year from the State"
Poor guy doesn't know who is underpaying him, nor who is overcharging him.
Anger is more useful than despair -- by Terminator
BROADSIDE! BROADSIDE! Navy boys better run and hide These cannon balls flyin' atcha when we collide All me mateys be ready to fire a broadside