[-] polygon@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Because that is the goal of any totalitarian regime. You think Putin has the welfare of his country in mind? Or Kim Jong Un? No. Money and Power is the only goal. There was an article recently on North Koreans saying how they're starving and just waiting to die. The people are simply the means to generate wealth and exercise power. Their welfare has nothing to do with it.

I used to think the Republicans were wannabe dictators, but in the last few years they've demonstrated that they are actual fascists and a dictatorship is their endgame. There is no way to deny this anymore. If people tell you who they are, you should listen to them. Republicans are no longer hiding it.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 22 points 1 year ago

Listen, this is hard thing for me to type but I think is relevant to the Republican mindset. Hundreds of children are being murdered in their classrooms. Literal murder. Of children. This is not enough to sway Republicans on gun control. If actual murder of 6 year olds doesn't have any effect on them, surely 6 year olds being hungry is not even going to make them blink. This is the reality with these people. They simply do not care about you, or your children, and everything they do is governed only by money and power.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 3 points 1 year ago

I'm sure you're right about this. Probably the framerate bounces all over the place which feels much worse than simply locking it to 30fps and having a consistent experience. I think a PC has the potential to simply brute force it into 60fps, but an Xbox simply cannot. Which is probably fine. The game is said to run at 4k and 1440p depending on which Xbox you have, and for a game like this where exploration is going to play a big role, those visuals will do a lot of silent storytelling.

I would rather walk over a hill and see an incredible alien sunset on some moon, than have more frames, especially if those frames are bouncing around between 60 and 40 and going over that hill stutters and jerks spoiling the immersion.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

you begin to feel like you have to also be toxic in self-defense [...] Then you go somewhere that’s not toxic and it’s like a culture shock

This is exactly what I've experienced! I'm not looking to make any excuses for my time on Reddit but seeing the cause just laid out like that makes me feel.. maybe not better, but differently, about why that behavior didn't seem wrong at the time. I'm sure at some point early on I was downvoted and mocked and thus started the cycle of retaliation downvotes until it became normalized.

Then I come here to Beehaw and I can't even downvote you. If I disagree, I have to actually engage with you. And in this instance at least, if I just treat you like garbage the mods are going to notice. That means if I want to engage, then it needs some thought behind it. All of this leans in the direction of starting conversations instead of silencing them.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago

I do not like disabling the downvote button because of this, but i think it is better to disable it, if we tend to abuse it

In theory voting things up and down for relevancy is a fine idea, a good one even. But human nature is often the reason why we can't have nice things. It's just way too easy to fall into that trap. Simply having an upvote button does allow the best ideas to rise to the top, but it doesn't silence alternative opinions or encourage dog piling on someone with groupthink.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 9 points 1 year ago

Yes, I completely agree with you. Reddit could become such a nasty place, and I fully admit that I was part of the problem. It didn't feel like a problem because it was so socially accepted, even encouraged, within Reddit's own culture, but I was definitely part of the problem down voting people into oblivion for "being dumb". I never thought twice about it until the last two days. Now it feels dirty. Now I recognize I don't want to be a part of that culture any longer.

submitted 1 year ago by polygon@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I went back to Reddit this morning. Yeah I know, but I just wanted to check the place out after all the blackouts. As I was scrolling through my typical stuff I was down voting dumb things as is pure habit and it struck me.. after being here only 2 days and not having any down vote button, what was just a pure habit suddenly felt a little dirty.

Those people I just down voted didn't do anything wrong I just didn't agree with them. But by down voting them I'm basically doing one little part in actually silencing them. It felt bad. In fact all of Reddit felt bad.. like, it was just such a habit and I was ready to go back, but once I did it wasn't as good as I remembered it.

All it took was 2 days away using a different platform that gives me essentially the same stuff I want to read and this no down vote thing somehow has resonated with me more than I would have thought. I actually went back and removed the down votes. Those people have the right to feel how they do whether I agree or not. I don't need to silence and invalidate people over things that are so incredibly minor.

I've decided I will use Reddit only via Google search if it has the content I'm looking for, just like any other webpage, but I think Lemmy, and Beehaw specifically, are my new home. It no longer feels like "the alternative." It feels like a place I actually chose to be. I wrote in my application that I wanted less toxicity in my life and I think that's already happening. I'm really grateful to have discovered this place.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 81 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What these guys don't realize is the "value" of their website is their users content. They tend to feel like they're the value, that they've done something great. You see this in both Musk and Zuck. They feel like they're the heroes of the internet. Except what is Reddit exactly, what is it's value? It is only the users. These guys parade around the knowledge of other people as if it's their own value and want to become rich off it. I'm sick of this Silicon Valley bullshit, honestly. That whole mindset is toxic from start to finish. And we see the finish on all of them: screw over the people who create the content for the next round of VC cash, or IPO.

I hope Lemmy or whatever comes next can resist this culture of "burn it to the ground for the payday".

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The Witcher 3 is probably the greatest video game I've ever played.

The Last of Us 1 & 2 is probably the greatest video game story I've ever experienced.

These 3 games are something I think about in some capacity very often and are, in my mind, the benchmarks that every other game is held to.

Mass Effect and Dragon Age are my notable mentions.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 13 points 1 year ago

Yeah, exactly this. While I'm somewhat uneasy that a huge corporation has a bunch of data on me the most they can do with it is spam me. When the government has the same data their power is orders of magnitude greater and who knows how what you may have said 10 years ago can be used against you now.

There is a reason they're not allowed to have this data without a warrant. Just because this data is for sale doesn't mean they suddenly have the right to it. The power of the government is too great to trust with this, and we all know it, which is why those protections exist in the first place.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 25 points 1 year ago

I'd rather see consoles be limited to what they can handle than a game to be limited for everyone because of what a single console can handle.

I want this game to be huge and look beautiful. If my PC can handle 60fps I don't want to locked to 30fps because that's all an Xbox can handle. And if I want to play it on an Xbox I don't want it to be a blurry mess to get 60fps, I want it to look as good as it possibly can. Especially in a game like this where the visuals do a great majority of the storytelling when it comes to exploration and finding new things.

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 4 points 1 year ago

Yeah, agree that YouTube is a good motivator. I'm subscribed to a load of music channels and more often than not they're doing something cool, or something I've never tried. There is a lot of "Oooh cool, I want to do that" and somehow I never get bored that way. "Practice" is a word that fills me with dread and the idea of endlessly playing scales, but YouTube pushing me to do things that are hard but interesting doesn't feel like practice (even though it is).

[-] polygon@beehaw.org 24 points 1 year ago

I'll probably get roasted for this but.. Pokemon. It just seems like endless copy/paste and might be one of the laziest game franchises I've ever seen. I've really tried to get into them. I was there when the Pokemon cartoon started, I saw it rise to the phenomenon it is today, but damn if it isn't the most boring grindfest ever.

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