[-] megopie 9 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Any Linux distribution should work on AMD CPUs, well, Debian based distros can sometimes have issues with particularly new hardware due to the long time between releases. But bazzite is fedora based so you should be fine with anything.

Nvidia GPUs work just fine with AMD CPUs.

Realistically the question is how high end of a CPU do you want, the mid to high end range AMD CPUs tend to be cheaper than their intel equivalents, but the highest end intel chips edge out the highest end AMD chips right now. Realistically, that won’t matter unless you are doing something super CPU intensive and just want the most power possible for your machine.

AMD CPUs also have better integrated graphics, not super important if you have a dedicated GPU, but, there are times when having a second somewhat capable graphics processor could be useful.

[-] megopie 8 points 4 months ago

Skyrim had a narrative, it had stories that raised curiosity enough to engage with the gameplay loops. Some of the side quest were even pretty good, the main quest was meh.

Increasingly Bethesda seems to be building their games around gameplay loops with narrative increasingly ancillary. They’ve optimized for grind without giving a reason to grind.

[-] megopie 8 points 7 months ago

Oh, I almost posted this exact image. Lmao

[-] megopie 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The weirdest part to me what how quickly the liberty hub mod just bowed out. Like, they could easily have litigated the situation, but, I suppose it’s easier to just drop it, let the situation play out, and move on.

I didn’t really see that many people going after them for it, there were a few, but it hardly seemed like an overwhelming tide, and most of them seemed like they already had a bone to pick with liberty hub. Maybe there were DMs or messages on platforms I’m not privy too.

The whole things just feels weird. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just abandoned the account the accusation was against and started using a new user name.

[-] megopie 9 points 7 months ago

It’s the hook up for the helmet air supply.

[-] megopie 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Natural gas can never be clean ether, and the cost of sealing up the supply chain is more expensive than just drilling more, some states have tried to put in laws to set a minimum leak rate and natural gas companies lobbied to prevent the bills from passing. Far from the first example of natural gas companies lobbying against laws that would cut in to their profits.

Natural gas as a bridge fuel was a distraction to divert the public away from actual solutions. It’s worse for climate change than coal is and plenty of in-depth reports, papers, and research bear this out.

[-] megopie 8 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

oh yah, I remember the absolute torrent of crypto shills that started spamming the place when crypto shill posts from other subs started getting posted there.

They were proper angry that they got called out.

[-] megopie 8 points 8 months ago

Mad Maximillian: the slope warrior. He can only go down hill for so long before he must fight his way up the lift.

[-] megopie 8 points 11 months ago

You can yell at them all you like, but do you think that will change their minds? Do you think that does any good?

Maybe go yell at the party for dropping the ball so hard that those people feel this is their only recourse.

If trump wins, it will be the fault of the party in charge of beating him, not the fault of the people they failed to convince.

[-] megopie 8 points 11 months ago

Yah, Plenty of liberals shit them selves when you suggest giving an unalloyed good away for free.

[-] megopie 8 points 1 year ago

That is what a meat thermometer is for

[-] megopie 8 points 1 year ago

I think that any Vic exempt form CAFE standards or protected from import competition by huge terifs, should require a commercial license to operate. Give the automakers a choice, sell the vehicle outside of their special safe space, or shrink the market that can buy it drasticaly.

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