[-] mars 6 points 1 year ago

I had something similar, but instead it was feeling full and nauseous with just a few bites. Food smells were the worst, and can still trigger nausea for me. I never really got around to figuring out the cause because I was bad at getting healthcare for myself. But it cleared up, weirdly, around the time I had my wisdom teeth taken out. I got my life back after that, and I hope you do too very soon.

Wishing you the best and hope you get some answers with your upcoming visit.

[-] mars 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My bills for two people regularly come out to $50, at normal unfancy restaurants (sometimes even just fast casual). So $70 would be 3 people for me.

[-] mars 5 points 1 year ago

Sitting in a big cardboard box with my wife and closing the flaps. We were both very stressed at the time and it just felt very cozy and quiet in there.

If I had the room I would have kept it. Instead I bought a foldable pop-up tent to try to recreate the feeling, but it's just not the same.

[-] mars 25 points 1 year ago

For me at least, it's that I can't do anything of substance until the scheduled thing is over. I can't even start the video game while waiting because I'm worried I'll get too engrossed and forget about the thing I have to go to later.

[-] mars 3 points 1 year ago

I worked at a high school doing IT. I kept student-returned laptops in a laptop cart. One day, to my absolute horror, baby cockroaches start crawling out of the cart, and infested my entire work area.

The cart was quarantined and treated by Terminix. After a while the cart was returned to me, and I had to sort through and clean/wipe all of them. I wish I could have just e-wasted the whole thing. Another round of hatching happened a few weeks later, from another laptop, but luckily I had put them in air-tight containers by then.

[-] mars 10 points 1 year ago

In a lot of the California schools I've worked at, they do teach these things. I think they are really great skills that I wish were taught when I was in school.

Unfortunately there's a lot of conservative push back and a movement to get these topics out of school.

[-] mars 41 points 1 year ago

I worked at a homeschool public charter school for a few years. A good chunk of the parents were only in it because they wanted to use Christian curriculum and other conservative garbage to teach their children.

The school even had me go to a professional development event that ended up being a Christian leadership conference held at a church. One of my coworkers walked out once she realized it was religious and she was forced to use her PTO for the remaining days of the conference. I should have done the same.

[-] mars 18 points 1 year ago

Why is it the most important issue for you?

[-] mars 18 points 1 year ago

These are grown adults in their 40s. You really think the mom should just forever be their maid? Even at the age of 75?

At some point they just have to take responsibility for themselves. Even if they have to, or want to live at home, they should absolutely be contributing if they are able bodied.

[-] mars 17 points 2 years ago

Takeout. I get it a few times a week and always feel a bit guilty about it. I like supporting the local businesses but it's expensive and the plastic containers aren't great.

[-] mars 22 points 2 years ago

I think it goes the other way too. For people that tend to apologize too much, even when it’s not their fault, mixing in a “thanks for your patience” is a good way to balance it out a bit.

[-] mars 3 points 2 years ago

Same here, mine are in July as well and in the past that has usually felt like it extended Pride month for me. This year is different though. I can't believe I miss rainbow capitalism.

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