[-] luce 34 points 1 week ago
[-] luce 38 points 1 week ago

What can you do as an individual? not much. A community? Now we're talking.

Find people to fight fascism with.

[-] luce 19 points 1 week ago

Thanks for the suggestion... NSA?

[-] luce 11 points 2 weeks ago

True, although usually when people talk about punishing pedophiles they mean punishing people who have done terrible things to children (and in this case, Republicans are talking about neither, the main objective of this is to target queer people)

[-] luce 12 points 2 weeks ago

"not giving me money is virtue signaling" damn, guess i gotta give him money

[-] luce 15 points 2 weeks ago

I view "guys" and "dudes" as gender neutral but when its directed towards me i start feeling like shit

[-] luce 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Our systems and hierarchies do often support the oligarchy, but that does not mean every single individual supports the oligarchy, or that every single thing our systems do are meant to advance the goals of the ultra rich. Sometimes individuals who participate in these systems do malicious compliance, sometimes they don't comply at all.

In this case there could be someone high-up who is empathetic(or a group of empathetic people unaware of each other, their actions adding up) whose decisions led to this happening, or this could have just been a dumb decision, who knows.

submitted 1 month ago by luce to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Hi lemmy. One time I was on YouTube and I wanted to learn more about my latest interest, neuroscience, so I entered into the search bar "Neuroscience" and every single result was from self help gurus.

Oftentimes, I will attempt to find information for something im curious about. More often then not, my search will be slowed by thousands of shitty SEO optimized/self-help guru made/absolutely utterly useless "Top 10 Things to so for X" content. This happens on pretty much every large platform I have ever searched on ever.

have gotten better at googling and searching for the results I want(searching "neuroscience lecture" instead of "neuroscience") But I can only improve my googling skills so much, so that's why I wanted to ask a few questions:

  1. How do I search the internet/google for blogs/forums/media from experts easily? Is there a chrome extension to remove SEO overoptimized results? Do I need to use a different search engine?

  2. Are there any approaches I can take that apply to more then just google?

[-] luce 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

kyle hill is interesting to me because when he is making videos about nuclear it is either the most terrifying nuclear horror story yet or facts and statistics about how safe nuclear is. I personally believe nuclear to be a super safe and efficient way to create energy, its just something I noticed. Makes me think about how common coal accidents are and how little they are covered compared to something supposedly scary like nuclear.

[-] luce 18 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I don't think this speaks to how pathetic Americans are, but instead to how much the rich have us under their thumb.

We need to start working against atomization if we want things to get better, and I think this is/was a really good way to bring people together. Talk to the uninformed people in your life, be the healthy opposition to their beliefs that many people dont have. Make them understand who their real enemies are.

It is in the upper classes best interest that we close ourselves off, entering echochambers as we talk about how evil it is for someone to disagree with our own beliefs.

[-] luce 12 points 1 month ago

"Three fired cartridge cases alongside three unfired cartridges were found at the scene. The words "delay", "deny", and "depose" were written on the cases. "Depose" was inscribed on a casing from a round fired into Thompson, while "delay" was marked on an unfired cartridge ejected as the shooter racked the pistol, possibly to clear a jam or intentionally discard the live round."


[-] luce 21 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I would be skeptical of this, I haven't been able to find a source for it and most of its seems written in a way that creates the strongest emotional reaction in laypeople who don't know much about health insurance or chemo (e.g: me)

[-] luce 24 points 2 months ago

Bigots and Nazis arent Elementary School Bullies. These far-right lunatics are driven by a want to eradicate a minority from society, not a want for attention. You can't just choose to not give racists attention hoping that they will become less racist.

Ignore them, give them what they want and they will ask you for more. They will gladly compromise with you... before immediately moving the goalposts.

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