[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 2 points 18 hours ago

I really like their style. The glossy shading and lighting in general are great.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 2 points 19 hours ago

It looks like they haven't put it on their site yet, but they will soon iirc. This is where it should be, when they get a copy of it and upload. Probably early January.


I am not sure, but the CCC might be leaving a recording of it up somewhere as well.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 13 points 22 hours ago

I did not realize that typing exclusively in third-person, and pushing something that is obviously kink-related onto internet strangers was umm... not trolling?

I feel like the troll that does this gives people who fantasize about dragons a bad name, not to mention people who use neopronouns, for various non-trolling reasons, that usually hold some kind of personal meaning. Expression is complicated, but holy goddamn bollucks, third-person shitposting to try to bait people who didn't read a bio into "misgendering" bans is asinine and takes validity from people who could use it. I don't see how any mods have gone along with this "muh third-person antagonistic ranting means victimhood" shit.

Whatever tho, I guess every individual user is supposed to independently block an asshat who tells people to commit suicide, because they are so very super-special.... I hope this place doesn't get tossed into dot world over this, ugh.

Tap for spoilerI'm going to go consume alcohol and definitely ~~not~~ look at cute/sexy kobalds to cope. Feel free to DM me for info on the nature of creatures outside the scope of waking reality, if you are brave enough.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 6 points 1 day ago

I had to look it up. The closest thing I've played is Citizen Sleeper.

I am not planning on posting on 196 again though, probably. I just decided to correct my extreme skeptisim against some allies, and share a meme-esque image.

Stellaris does look awesome though.

submitted 1 day ago by herinaceus@sh.itjust.works to c/196

Turns out, the 4 Thieves almost exclusively discussed harm reduction through testing today at 38C3! Twas quite hormone-centric in nature as well, which is based. I did not know that T is so cottage-cheesey, or E is super flat-clumpy, but meow I do lol...

I think the shock-value presentation, and some of their past mistakes gave me a lot worse impression than they deserve, tbh. It seems like they have the right idea, and also promote finding conclusions thru legitimate past research, rather than "trust me bro" shit.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 3 points 3 days ago

good thing these guys seem in love with automating the process... ๐Ÿ™ƒ

leaving most of the brain-thinkie parts up to an arduino totally solves the "this might kill someone" factor. no-knowledge synthesis is the future! (/s for anyone wanting to toss reagents in a jar, and hope robots are infallable)

really tho, mistakes that make fries taste bad, or twist an ankle don't have shit on barely messing up a step in a synthesis that is to be consumed. it is like their reckless abandon is also intended to be a part of their cause, which makes things more confusing, and raises even more ethical questions.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 12 points 3 days ago

YOU are telling ME (a very smart person btw) what to do ๐Ÿ˜ก

-consumes a whole bottle of chlorine bleach in protest of the implication of being told what to do-

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 7 points 3 days ago

i actually just learned that today... i am realizing i misunderstood the main purpose (probably) of the group. they are very focused on bodily autonamy, and pushing the boundaries of what's allowed, as far as information sharing goes.

the lead guy also was suggesting heroin dealers lace their product with medication to prevent the spread of hepatitis, which sounds good, but doing so could result in an even more deadly super strain of the infection. he could have suggested wholly against sharing injection equipment, or emphasized the importance of "safe injection" sites that are staffed by medical personel, to help titrate the dose and safely end their addiction. at least he's not telling people to synthesize suboxone at home, but ugh.

i don't necissarily trust the information the they're spreading, due to that and other factors, such as the lack of medical/synthesis knowledge outside of clandestine MDMA production. i do see that they do this more as "keep this stuff legal" measure, but a lot of their decisions seem reckless. maybe to further their cause/point? idk, it's a mess.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 5 points 3 days ago

info hazards (like production methods for sarin) are definitely real, and not always directly chemistry related. i.e. instructions on how to make a thermonuclear weapons, or get away with human rights violations with the right paperwork.

the concept of hazardous information is somewhat new to me, and i genuinely lost some sleep when i learned "information wants to be free," is always true, but not always great.

but yes, i agree that info on chemistry, the availabilty of equipment, and legality of practicing it should be something to protect. all three have been in decline (at least in the US) for a while.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 5 points 3 days ago

that sounds..... questionable, almost at best. i will still probably tune in, but i'm now prepared to be kind of horrified honestly. i'm not sure someone with a math degree and no chemistry experience is the best source for this kind of information, especially when the substances being produced are meant to be consumed.

[-] herinaceus@sh.itjust.works 6 points 3 days ago

the constituents' best interest unfortunately doesn't make the senate/congress any money. it would be nice if they had priorites outside making easy money by bending to every corporate lobby.

unrestricted access would be a nightmare. Mexico's strategy of allowing trained pharmacists to dispense basic meds (like a z-pac) seems like a happy medium. seeing a doctor for stuff like that can be expensive and time consuming, and like an excuse for insurance companies to profit.

bioterroism rule(s) (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by herinaceus@sh.itjust.works to c/196

~~pharmacists solely being distributors of pre-ordained medication has no detrimental effects on humans. ๐Ÿซ  the US is great to its people, and has very good healthcare practices!!~~ (livestream is on the 27th and i am excite, but not involved at all)


stream link for those interested:


EDIT: my lack of capitalization and poor word choice has confused people. this event is about making legal, tested for efficacy medication only. pharmacists are good. doctors are good. the cost of medication and other hurdles that prevent people from having access to medication are not.

EDIT 2: i looked into the 4 Theives Vinegar Collective (breifly, just on wikipedia) and i did not realize that they made the EpiPencil, which is an open-source device that injects a mesured dose of epinephrine (a medication that can be bought from a trusted and legal distributor). that's awesome stuff, but it's less awesome that they now want to share chemistry knowlege that they don't necissarily have a full understanding of, and push automated synthesis for people who also don't have the foundational knowledge to ensure safety. not really great. i guess that's what happens when healthcare is entirely for-profit, and inaccessable to so many people.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by herinaceus@sh.itjust.works to c/196

Hi! Sorry if this isn't allowed. Although I don't think there is a rule against it, I can remove it if it is a problem!

My (literal) skin craves tiddy skittles. Endocrine systems are very complex, but TBIs + dry skin to the point of bleeding a little bit does generally point to not enough E being produced. Please do not tell me to visit a doctor, especially about the physical head trauma... There is no treatment to speak of, other than mitigating neuroinflammation, which I did do (over two years ago), when the last head bonk happened. I am safe meow, but not having a baja blast, tbh.

I'm not a "still cis tho" AMAB, trying to avoid hormones, since they're for trans folk. I lost shits to give about my presenting gender a long time ago, and consider myself agender or enby, or any expression in that vein, basically.

That said, I am pretty garbage at talking to new ppl, online or not, and also didn't want to pm a poor unexpecting soul, asking where to obtain E. "Controversial" or not, a quick test and some pills would almost definitely improve my wellbeing in multiple ways. Help finding an affordable tester and source for estrogen, or at least resources that have a trusted list would be appreciated greatly, even if they are not replies to this long-winded post.

(Thank you mods/hosters for keeping this place alive and safe, really. I am/was a lurker for a while, and this instance has been comfy af.)

tldr: I wish to obtain E, and would like a safe starting point, or a source for testing and pills.

EDIT: I just found out that Pueraria Mirifica exists... o.o Now I feel kinda dumb for posting this, but oh well. A plant with some phytoestrorogens in it seems like a saner option for dabbling in self-treatment of this type of stuff.

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