Dang if parents only could do anything about their children smartphone use.
For a streaming platform to be actually useful it needs to be a almost monopoly like steam. Netflix had a chance but missed the spot, due to the greed of Studios. So it's back to fractured marked until someone comes with a fresh idea of how to distribute video.
The tool's creators are seeking to make it so that AI model developers must pay artists to train on data from them that is uncorrupted.
That's not something a technical solution will work for. We need copyright laws to be updated.
One of the great modern scams, was to convince society that unauthorized copying of data is somehow equivalent to taking away a physical object.
Wer hat die Homöopathen Heinis hier reingelassen, zurück auf Facebook und Telegram mit euch!
Wer kennt nicht die Brezel Werbung. Im übrigen wieder ein Artikel der die Grünen zu einer Verbotspartei stilisiert - obwohl Deutschland schon immer voll von Regeln und Verboten war.
If someone deserves to be pirated into oblivion it's Disney, for fucking up the copyright after making a fortune of public domain material.
Recht auf Trinkwasser gehört somit schnellstmöglich in die Verfassung.
Die Fotos zeigen das die physische Begrenzung nicht nur funktioniert, sondern auch absolut notwendig ist.
Now we know why it was not launched in EU.
Or else what? Like give them their life back?
Her opinion on trans folks is shit, but people should not go to jail for shit opinions. Broken clock and stuff.