Once again, for the cheap seats - the US lost the third world war which was waged in the shadows and online. China and Russia installed this fucking nutter both times. Biden won in 2020 because enough folks got off their asses to vote, but the disinformation and propaganda run during Bidens term led to less asses going to the polls. Musk didn’t buy twitter and hollow it out for nyucks. He was directed to do so by China, Russia, and the UAE. Look at the public filings for his purchase. Look at who gave Musk the money for that purchase. Twitter was such a powerful tool to spread or combat disinformation and propaganda, so it was purchased and gutted in order to be used the another nail in the coffin of progressive collective action. Twitter under musk was such a huge part of drumpf 2024 winning.
I’ve been trying to practice compassion for the people that piss me off. Trying to remember that folks are all doing their best and may be dealing with even more stress and anxiety than I am dealing with.
The other thing that has really helped me is deliberately practicing gratitude for all of the great things in my life. Family, pets, health, food, shelter, car that works reliably, etc. it’s counterintuitive that focusing on these will help, but focusing on these things makes the things hat anger me seem so much less important.
yet another sign that the simulation is falling apart
shame on CNN for calling them demonstrators. Human scum is more like it.
404 neck not found
DENIER. HOLOCAUST DENIER. fucking times gets worse and worse holy shit.
not sure, I’m at a loss
is this your source? - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1946/08/31/hiroshima
if not I’m curious to read the full source text please.
yes. they should be tried for beating the man and looting his car.
whole situation was avoidable. who chases down a gang of hyped up teenagers over littering? one of the kids threw a bottle and now this guy has injuries, severe property damage and a bunch of his possessions stolen. he chose to escalate the situation. don’t escalate. move on with your life. especially if you have all your belongings in your car because you’re moving.
“He then drove through the intersection before pulling over and getting out of his car.”
write what you are like, not about the things you like.
No but they can be given instructions that generate tones. The joke is that the star name dict got the pen testers in and they ran code to make the motors generate chiptunes.