@ImplyingImplications @alt_total_loser I think, probabilities are high, this includes those who confirm their proofs.
Often the problem descriptions suffer from equivocation and unclear process frame.
@ImplyingImplications @alt_total_loser I think, probabilities are high, this includes those who confirm their proofs.
Often the problem descriptions suffer from equivocation and unclear process frame.
Stefan Schulz & Wolfgang M Schmidt prophezeien ein Wahlkampf zwischen AfD und Grüne und die Altparteien werden zu vergleichsweise unbedeutenden Spielbällen.
(Häh? Das "Wo willst Du in 800 Jahren leben?" unter dem Grünenplakat wird auf tagesschau.de abgeschnitten)
@normalexit out of curiosity: Why not a plain debian? What are the benefits of Ubuntu server?