[-] beliquititious 43 points 3 weeks ago

His fortune is built on seed money from apartheid south africa. How is it news he has a nazi fetish?

[-] beliquititious 41 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It is divisive propaganda. Probably.

The US Government has said the drone sightings are not a hazard to air traffic nor do they pose a threat to national security. Many of the drones have been sighted around military installations and equipment which, given their "no-threat" official position they probably know what they are and either can't or won't say.

Based on the drone's size (larger than some small manned aircraft flown by citizen pilots), observable flight time (2+ hours), altitude (above 400ft/~120m), and the number of them, they are almost certainly a registered and monitored commercial drone or a defense contractor test.

It's likely propaganda because of it's timing to the CEO shooting and the way in which the state(s), federal government, and media have been responding. A US senator claimed that they were from an "Iranian Mothership" off the coast of the United States. Governors have been giving the public's curiosity an official voice. The (social) media has been amplifying the story because those companies have CEO's who also have made their fortunes on screwing over regular folks.

I imagine from a certain perspective this all might sound like the conspiracy nut has stopped taking her meds, but it's much more banal than that. Civil unrest is not good to maintain the status quo which is what governments and media organizations are (broadly) designed to do. Most of their efforts are not malicious; they're really just trying to keep the peace.

tl;dr The drones are a distraction from the growing civil unrest for the subset of the population that is fantasy prone to get distracted by.

edit: My knowledge of aviation law seems to have been largely wrong. A response to this comment clarifies the rules and regulations regarding drones. Based on the information they shared, I still think the parts of the government that care about our airspace would be aware of craft the size and altitude of the drones sighted.

[-] beliquititious 56 points 2 months ago

We have fun collective names. A group of white men is called a podcast, for example.

[-] beliquititious 58 points 2 months ago

To be fair they're not actually lying, they are misrepresenting the truth. Facebook actually doesn't sell your data to third parties because they lease temporary access to it instead. Selling the data would mean they couldn't recapitalize it with the same customers.

Meta's customers couldn't use it to skip doing their own market research and need to already know who they want to advertise to before they buy ads with Facebook. (It does provide insights and analytics about demographics during a campaign as well)

[-] beliquititious 40 points 3 months ago

...there's no way that 3/4ths of all US states will agree to that shit.

We've had an extraordinary number of "there's no way that..." moments in the past decade most of which have been connected to Trump, why tempt fate like that? The 2024 election map has more than the 38 red states needed to ratify a constitutional amendment.

[-] beliquititious 40 points 4 months ago

I am flabbergasted. Who would have thought that a man with decades long ties to Russia, who's met with and spoke highly of Putin, who had russian spies crawling all over his first presidential campaign, who's backed by russian oligarch money, would say such a silly thing about Ukraine.

They're planning an offensive that has moscow scared enough they are rattling their nuclear sabers. Seems like a poorly thought out move for a "destroyed" country and that their hegemonic buddies would advise them against rather than helping them tool up for the fight.

[-] beliquititious 50 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Sovereign citizens are the fucking best.

They live in a completely different reality from the rest of us. In what world do you think someone whose job it is to enforce the corporate laws of the united states is just going to be like, "Apologies citizen, be on your way here's $20 for your trouble." None, not even coo coo crazyland where they live. Maybe in like Maybury. But the cops patrolling american streets in 2024 have AR's in the trunk and cross train with the military on urban combat maneuvers. They're all Judge Dredd cosplayers or zealots of the law and the perverted sense of justice america has. It's not going down like you think it will. Barney Fife isn't going to call you a rascal and tell you to fix it before he sees you again. He will grind your face into the asphalt while he cuffs you after you tell Mr. Qualified Immunity himself he can't do something a secind time.

The driver of that car is going to jail if this car isn't sitting in their closed garage. If it's out and about and Porky catches you, especially if you also do not have a driver's license and insurance, you are looking at class a misdemeanors. If you start talking about maritime law, felonies.

But they can't see it or don't care to. We certainly do live in interesting times.

[-] beliquititious 46 points 5 months ago

That's why we have police in the first place. After the civil war the South, in order to covertly recapture as many recently freed slaves as possible, created vagrancy laws, sundown towns, and armed police. In Alabama, where the video is set, the state made it illegal for black people to leave a job, once they took it. The police in the south, especially in Alabama and Louisiana, arrested thousands of former slaves and leased them out to local businesses, in some cases victims of that system would be put to work at the same place, for the same people where they were enslaved prior to the emancipation declaration.

It's one of the most fucked up and evil things America has done. It's made even worse because the practice has been in use for over 200 years and no one, outside a small percentage of Americans even care.

Private prisons and work-release programs need to be ended now.

[-] beliquititious 39 points 5 months ago

Trump made the remarks Thursday during a campaign stop at the New York Economic Club. “At the suggestion of Elon Musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement…I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government,” Trump said. “Elon has agreed to head the task force,” Trump added while noting that the task force would be responsible for “making recommendations for drastic reforms” to the government.

Not sure I love the sound of "drastic reforms to the government". But if we're stupid enough to give gim the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania again, it's what we deserve.

[-] beliquititious 44 points 5 months ago

I always thought of prophets as particularly charismatic mentally ill people. Jesus may not have set out to start a cult, but like, delusions of grandeur and distorted self-image in someone charismatic and intelligent usually ends in a cult. In his lifetime they were basically anarchist hippies (at least as recorded by the bible), but like all cults, today the center has rotted and it's just toxic brainwashing.

[-] beliquititious 40 points 5 months ago

Amazing how just giving people time to figure it out for themselves is so effective. So glad anon realized they're ace before getting into something serious and getting hurt.

[-] beliquititious 48 points 5 months ago

How hard is it to field a presidential candidate that is not a senior citizen and who doesn't wish to remain allies with countries engaged in genocide?

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