[-] XaiwahBlue 26 points 4 months ago

Hey you know what, when you're in love, whatever works. So many people are lonely, at least they found each other. 🥹

[-] XaiwahBlue 11 points 4 months ago

I haven't thought of those apps for years, I used Pidgin! I had to look up the program name.

[-] XaiwahBlue 10 points 4 months ago

Is that question really "in good-faith" to "that law doesn't apply in my country"?

[-] XaiwahBlue 6 points 4 months ago

I've been pretty lazy about changing stores since they had the easiest pick up i had found in my area, but i guess this is the ass kick i need to make sure i never go back.

Sucks they own almost all the groceries in my area. But i can trust that it's not a monopoly, right?

Groceries prices deeeeefinately aren't inflated. Nope. All good here.

[-] XaiwahBlue 21 points 4 months ago

Lol i cant even with the whole thing.

However, even with all those factors, no one could possibly have predicted the scale of its failure.

I didn't hear about it UNTIL the failure. I think it wasn't expected to do well, i don't think it was advertised well, and it was a lazy cash grab in a filled market no one asked for.

Just because a game gets made doesn't make it good, wanted, or timed well.

Stardew Valley came out in 2016, but I didn't see any traffic for a few years outside people who had been waiting for it. It took off around 2019 according to google trends.

Most devs wont give the game time to even improve anymore, let alone join friends in a multiplayer game. Concord's google trends start the day before it released.

[-] XaiwahBlue 16 points 4 months ago

My question would be how much of this is actors no longer being completely subjected to the gross wims of the director. How many scenes had little to do with a story and felt more like the director using the opportunity to make pretty people obey them.

We have intimacy directors now and what may also be happening is individuals having more say in production and in their bodily autonomy and I don't see that as an issue particularly.

Did random sex scenes really hit the level of art for you folks? Is pornography art the same way? 🤔 You know both are made for mass sale and consumption usually, the same way, much more than trying to make content to say anything.

But um "it so bad we block the titties!" or whatever is popular to say. Even though i personally don't remember many that added anything story related. Show me them bonding in a real way, sex doesn't cement anything if you've ever had a cheating partner, but a real collection of moments spent together between them that shows understanding and sacrifice for each other can really have an impact.

[-] XaiwahBlue 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It was literally answered right by Google's AI when i googled it if you're not aware the history of queer people in the world enough to know about a big issue that happened in a major global actor's military in 1993 until 2011.

I always felt like there isn't the shaming on the internet for the intellectual laziness like there used to be. It used to be the responsibility of the reader to take a moment and educate themselves, but now we proudly proclaim not only did we not do the bare minimum, but the OP was bad for not spoon feeding us?

There's already so little interaction with the posted content here and you can't even bother to try?

[-] XaiwahBlue 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)
[-] XaiwahBlue 14 points 4 months ago

I think the issue people arguing with you that you don't seem to get is that not everyone does want it to stop.

You seem blind to that reality that there is a large portion who arent even looking or talking that people are dying.

Who think what is going on and continuing is fine, or even good or right. And those people are in the positions to even try to limit any of it, and wont.

You're not arguing honestly if you really claim the reason no one in power speaks against it is because it's too hard? That seems really unlikely doesn't it? "It's difficult and we're looking at legal options" and "we will continue to arm and defend them" are wholly different.

[-] XaiwahBlue 8 points 4 months ago

It isn't, but when I peeked it (looking for an instance) felt particularly hostile in general. My reading here about the drama makes me feel like them leaving did everyone a favor.


[-] XaiwahBlue 7 points 4 months ago

The bimbofication of the chat bots has been weird to watch. I played with Replika back when it was an egg billed as "a chat bot you teach to chat how you want" more than a romantic parter.

Were they ever good conversationalists? No, but if you're someone who likes to externally talk things through they could be a fine echo of a generally positive generic person.

Now they feel so gross and desperate/pleading it feels weird to interact with them.

[-] XaiwahBlue 21 points 4 months ago

Have a cat, was planned. Feel obligated cause i rescued her ass 8 years ago, and she's really easy and low maintenance.

The big dog i have was rescued after an elderly family member passed away and there was no one else to take her in.

I love her to pieces but i definitely wont be getting another 60 pound+ dog in a 3 floor walk up! 😩

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