[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 2 points 3 days ago

In certain contexts the opinions of some federal officials is quite a bit more than "simply giving an opinion". The most obvious examples being the chairman of the Federal Reserve and the Commerce Secretary.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You seem to be implying that you are somehow more entitled to that public space than kids. Sounds like something an entitled little bitch would say. Are you an entitled little bitch? Public space is for the public, ALL the public. If let your own hangups lead you to bullying the most naive and impressionable of us, then you are sacrificing other people's freedom. And if you are people like this then I say, "fuck you too". The social contract of public space doesn't entitled you to be unbothered by other people.

To be clear I am in no way excusing parents that do not actually parent their children, especially in public. However the logic of the above comment is just a bunch of "get off my lawn" anti-social ME generation boomer energy. Also, kind of telling that the parent commenter just doesn't see the parallels between their entitled attitude and everyone else's entitlement. It's a public space, if you can't be compassionate, you don't deserve it any more than anyone else.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 9 points 4 days ago

It's a lot easier to setup and get non-techy family to join. Setting up Jellyfin is easy until you want access outside your LAN. Setting up TLS or a VPN is a hassle I don't want unless there is no other option. Plex has features I (and my family) use that jellyfin doesn't support by default yet. Last I checked syncing of files for offline viewing in the official app wasn't very good yet. Plex has a bunch of ad supported live streams baked in that aren't too bad. There is a "How It's Made" channel, a Mythbusters channel, and Top Gear channel. PlexAmp isn't perfect, but it's better than any of the Jellyfin options I've seen.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 4 points 6 days ago

Except that none of that is accurate and leaves out the crucial detail that getting measles destroys your body's antibody memory used to fight all the other diseases your body had already learned to fight. It also ignores the horrific and totally avoidable deaths that also resulted.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 61 points 3 months ago

More like working class traitor.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 143 points 5 months ago

Give em The Harkness Test The Harkness Test

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 55 points 5 months ago

I don't ask people about their politics. I just act like true things are true, e.g.: human instigated climate change, COVID, the efficiency of a single payer healthcare system, a oblate spheroid earth, and the moon landing. I'm politely understanding of the flaws in their world view, but I NEVER pretend that any of it is even up for debate. You can balance not being rude with not backing down from the objective reality you live in by showing an genuine fascination with their weird cult beliefs.

Conspiracy theories, religion, myths, and magic are all very comfortable fantasies that wither in the face of the existential dread from understanding that the universe is horrific and absolutely indifferent to your personal suffering. Being excellent to each other and maintaining faith in the potential of humanity (tempered by knowledge of our depravity) is our only hope of survival both physical, philosophical, political, and spiritual.

Ok, sorry that turned into a rant. This shit matters though, so not that sorry.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 55 points 7 months ago

"Sensors" sounds like a magical solution that hasn't been thought through, but the marketing guys already sold it and won't listen to the engineers explaining how difficult it is to actually build such a thing.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 51 points 7 months ago

Similarly, there are a lot of really lazy bad maps out there that are trying to make some point about a statistic, but are really just population density maps. Give your up votes to the person that links the appropriate xkcd.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 49 points 8 months ago

I feel your pain.

I edit the URL to remove the first part of the URL and replace it with "http://old.reddit.com". That still seems to work, last I checked, but I fully expect it to be killed any day now.

[-] Wolf314159@startrek.website 55 points 8 months ago

I'm no nationalistic fanatic of the flag, but is it really so difficult to understand that the flag is a symbol?

Obviously each flag, be they for nations or other groups, represents more than just a piece of cloth to many people. Taking offence at someone else's identifying with what a flag symbolizes is not okay. But, I tend to look skeptically at worship of any kind of idol, be it flag, cross, or text. That still doesn't mean it's okay to hate or persecute people for their beliefs, even if they appear silly to you and as long as they don't hurt others.

One group can demonstrate their respect for the nation by physically following some rules around the flag and others can demonstrate their loyalty to their ideals of the nation being violated by flying the flag upside down or burning a flag.

A flag or banner is not just a piece of cloth, never has been.

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