[-] Whattrees 10 points 4 months ago

"Things I disagree with are being upvoted so it must be a coordinated campaign"

[-] Whattrees 11 points 7 months ago

I'd pick the one that polls the highest against Trump whether I like them or not. That was the only reason I was supporting Biden in the past. If I could go back in time and do a real primary and pick someone based on who would run the country the best it could be a million people (Bernie, AOC, Buttigieg, etc), but the thing that matters to me most is who stands the best chance against Trump. A milquetoast do-nothing dem is a mile ahead of Trump 2.0 + P2025.

[-] Whattrees 10 points 8 months ago

I kinda thought you might put it together, but ok. Yes, those were rhetorical and obvious.

Police are responsible for police culture so pointing to culture doesn't absolve them or change any of the math here. Same with the laws, they may not directly make them or have a say in them (unless you count police unions), but they can choose when to enforce them, when to not, and against whom. Again, your arguments aren't changing any of the math here.

The problems of police are caused by the police and sustained by the police so they are entirely the fault of the police. Your comment seemed to imply that at least some of the blame should be taken from the police since it's not them it's the culture and the laws. I'm saying, it's still all them. The culture and the laws are still on them.

[-] Whattrees 9 points 10 months ago

Why shouldn't they have been there? By the logic of the other poster, having the national guard with rifles lined up would have protected the protesters from an active shooter. Wouldn't everyone be so angry at the police if they didn't stop the active shooter with the national guardsmen?

Is there something special about being a sniper that makes you not a cop? That makes you not part of the same system, the same trainings, the same culture, the same lunch room, that leads regular officers and riot cops to brutalize protesters, especially those on the left? Is there some requirement that to be a sniper you have to be extra nice to leftist causes?

The fact is that absent some specific threat the department received, or some extra-special high value target/event (Superbowl, presidential address, etc) the use of snipers to "protect" the protesters is a farse. We should both know that if anything the snipers are there to "protect the university and its property" much more than the protesters because that's what the rest of the cops are there for.

[-] Whattrees 9 points 10 months ago

Almost like the Dept of Ed has been working on these rules for years and the process takes some time and has to be open to public comments and things. The wheels of the government are designed to move slowly. We can discuss if that's good or not, but this isn't something Biden decided last week, it's been in the works for a long time.

And it's almost politics, especially on the left, is more complicated than one party having the slimmest of possible margins. Did you forget about Sinema and Manchen? Have you already forgotten the fights the Dems in Congress had within the party to get enough support to pass things? If you want more progressive polices to pass than you need to elect even more Dems into Congress so that the few fuckwits in the "center-right" can be relegated to the corner and ignored. That doesn't work when nothing can pass if even one senator decides to vote no.

Jesus fucking Christ I swear we need to mandate more than one part of one class for how the government works. So many of you out here acting like the moment a Dem becomes president they can just will whatever laws they want into existence.

[-] Whattrees 10 points 1 year ago

Ya. This only ends one of two ways, either Israel succeeds in killing /displacing the people of Gaza (West Bank and Golem Heights next) and fills it with people loyal to them, or they stop the occupation. Terrorist groups don't do well in stable, prosperous nations. If they really want Hamas and groups like them gone forever, they will have to take the winds out of their sails by letting the Palestinians have a real government with real control over itself. Even if they meet their stated goal of "destroying Hamas", it (or another similar but even more extreme) group will take over.

[-] Whattrees 10 points 1 year ago

There are only two parties that have a mathematical chance of winning. You can throw your vote away on a third party, hoping to get them 20x their highest ever turn-out in the hopes that they get more money if you want. But know that what you are actually doing is indistinguishable from simply not voting. Work on getting ranked-choice voting in your state first, then vote your conscience. Voting third party now just guarantees another 4+ years of Trump.

[-] Whattrees 11 points 1 year ago

The Dems have moved a LOT in 50 years in almost every aspect. You think the Dems of 50 years ago would have even tried to forgive student loans? Hell, even in 2016 it was laughed out of the park. Believe it or not, the Dems have moved on their position with Israel, just not enough to be hugely noticeable. The biggest change has been Israel increasing moving further right and the Dems staying where they have been/very slightly moving.

In the past few weeks we've seen Biden go from "Ceasefire is off the table" to "We helped organize a humanitarian pause." They just announced a plan to block violent settlers from the States. It's not much, and certainly not enough, but to act like the Dems have not moved on anything in 50 years is a level of stupid I cannot abide. Hell, the Dems of 50 years ago passed DOMA.

[-] Whattrees 10 points 1 year ago

That's a pretty wild guess given how China keeps doing military drills involving amphibious landings and flying into Taiwanese airspace/going into Taiwanese waters. You wouldn't practice amphibious landings to prepare a defense against the US, you'd do that to prepare for an invasion. China talks a lot about not using its military outside its borders, which has been mostly true, but they see Taiwan as within their borders so it doesn't really tell us much.

If China wants to limit imports of goods from Taiwan they absolutely could, and it would be difficult for the US/Japan to respond to, but if by "restricting trade" you mean a blockade then that is an act of war that the US/Japan would respond to much more aggressively. Just like China would respond if we blockaded them.

[-] Whattrees 10 points 1 year ago

Ya man, those 3000+ children really fucked around.

The lengths some people will go to to support ethnostates...

[-] Whattrees 9 points 2 years ago

OMG! You mean a community specifically for discussing...(checks notes)..."the police problem" is universally against police acting like wittle bitch babies because they can't get their donuts from one specific store while carrying a gun? God damn that's crazy!

How dare a business owner deny service to people they don't want to serve and make those pigs saunter down the street to Krispy Kreme instead! It's exactly like making black people sit at the back of the bus! It's not like the cops had anything to do with that, or siccing dogs on the people protesting that treatment at the time right?

[-] Whattrees 9 points 2 years ago

It's the same "pick-me" behavior we see with Blaire White and Candace Owens. They either truly think they will be seen as one of the good ones, or they don't care and just want the power and money that comes with being the token.

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