[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 3 points 28 minutes ago

A. the 000666 dice.

Failure is capped at rock bottom, whereas the possibilities for success are infinite, so the brilliant success should outweight the miserable failure.

I assume this is the dice for people like Trump. Fail miserably and get convicted in your court case, then get elected president of the united states anyway.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 16 points 16 hours ago

"this way up" and arrow. Should prevent rollover in the event of an accident.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 19 points 3 days ago

Smoke alarms have a 10 year lifespan, so if you have any others the same age you should be replacing them all.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

The problem with that idea is that once you reach a certain number of people you stop getting diverse views and just get the same type of views over and over. Large groups on a platform like Reddit prioritise fast and popular responses. Quick quips and memes posted by people who are spending all day scrolling will drown out any sort of reasoned argument that takes time to type and participation by people who only log in occassionally.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

I'm sure there are plenty of things, but I don't care enough about them to bring them to mind, let alone type them out.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I think it's a safe bet that the "wasteful spending" won't come from politician salaries and staff. As It always does it will come from frontline service delivery and programs that benefit society. They will make a big deal about how much they have saved, then people will start to complain about things like not being able to get their aged pension and they will quietly start increasing staff numbers again, ready to start the whole cycle again in a few years.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

It's not too long, but it is a couple of hours drive away. She also gets very stressed just going to a cattery (or anywhere else) so I think setting her up a safe place within the home while things are getting loaded on the truck will probably be the best option for her, that will at least minimise the number of times she is moved.

The Feliway is just a pheremone spray not an actual drug.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

Most dogs know how to swim instinctively, so most likely it will just be a matter of making sure they have a place they can safely get in and out of the water and ensuring it is a positive experience for them. Depending on the dog they may need some encouragement or reward to get into the water, of they may just enjoy it without anything extra.

There are some dogs that don't instinctively understand swimming though, and if you have one of those (it's usually the solid muscle breeds, they tend to sink easily) you would need to put in more effort to actually teach them. I've not had that issue myself so I can't really advise, but I think it involves supporting them for a while as they figure it out and gradually removing the support. I had a friend who took her dog to swimming lessons, I think she said they have flotation vests they use.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 23 points 1 week ago

As an Australian I will welcome our new emu overlords. I presume this will lead to some major social changes where men take on the primary role in childcare and where feather dusters become a status symbol.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 14 points 1 week ago

The United States of America will become Ununited. A group of states will break away and wall themselves off from the rest of the country, creating their own Trump worshipping society. They will create their own version of utopia and tell stories about how the rest of the world is going to die off because they will make everyone transgender and have no more children. The rest of the world will rejoice and join together in actually fixing climate change, eradicate poverty and spread the Eurovision worldwide.

In 100 more years the walled off states will emerge to repopulate what they expect to be an empty planet with their own eugenically created race of clones and finally realise that they were completely and utterly wrong.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago

Or on the pessemistic side, the research that would lead to that is defunded because someone mistakenly believes it will make transgender dogs.

[-] WanderingShadow@lemmy.world 11 points 1 week ago

Once you hit a certain size you become a tempting target for bots, spammers and trolls. Managing that is going to be a challenge.

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