Thanks for coming back and letting us know!
I'm still learning transcription so feedback for what works and what doesn't will be helpful!
It isn't personal preference, I'm trying to do what's best for my community, mobile and desktop users alike.
This right here.
Queens, actually.
That doesn't account for how so many showed up all the sudden.
Omg hi! A friendly familiar face!! Happy-dance.gif
Excellent image transcription! 👍
Jeroba? I don't know what that is... But yes, it probably has to do with the character limit. I figure that as communities fill up, the official character limit will eventually have to be raised anyway, just like the old-timey internet had to.
Omg thank you so much!!
You know that hippies still wear snoods, right? The rest of her clothes are modern but distinctly hippie-styled, so this is either the world's laziest renfaire costume, or it's just a hippie wearing clothes like a hippie does.