i get 1-4 new games a year at most to play, almost never AAA games. but i liked hitman as a teen and i heard praises for the 'new' ones online so i tried the 'new' one. the confusing 'what to buy' and so many different bundles on steam already confused me so i did what anyone would and use the dark side to get it. realizing that its online bs made me not willing to buy it anymore, i have gone through days without any internet and that has made me immediately get erked when anything requires internet to functional properly.
and i kinda didnt like the missions, i heard freelancer mode solves the issues of following directions and steps (like in the original games u could just do whatever to finish). but i cant try it offline, and its not worth really setting up things just for one game. ill try peacock tonight (mostly bc sunk cost on time lol) but im not supporting the game financially with all this bs
grim reality where EA survives till 20174