I wish I could upvote this twice.
I feel this.
This is a great watch: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLowKtXNTBypGqImE405J2565dvjafglHU&si=f-jWdjiFCkVjmgDH
Thursdays. I never did get the hang of Thursdays.
tar czf thing.tgz things/
tar xzf thing.tgz
z offset / nozzle height seems to be the thing. I've raised it up and it looks better. After that I played with the temp a bit and it seems to be happier around 210-215 though there is more stringing.
So far, all attempts at ironing have been a disaster, both zig zag and concentric. I'm going to continue dialing in the z offset and temp before ironing.
I have heard that when cars were a rare thing in the Old West that drivers had to stop at intersections, get out, and fire a gun to warn any horse-powered cross traffic. It sounds like total bs but there have been stranger laws...
Thanks for summarizing. That guy has a ton of videos!
Thank you! Gold / yellow is hard to get right. Here is the Amazon link: Black and Gold Futuristic keycaps PBT Injection molding 148 Keys Ball Cap CSA Height Customized Personality Adapt to 61/64/68/71/82/84/87/96/98/104/108 Key Positions https://a.co/d/hqDXYY0 (I had to steal the Mac keys from my Keychron.)
Did you know that a cow is more aerodynamic than a Jeep?
Having soldered many of both, I should have noticed. I literally just threw out a big pile of both that have been loitering in storage for years. I'm still surprised when old tech (for any random definition of "old") pops up.