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Nope, as mentioned in the post, I didn't make this one.


Not my original content

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website to c/risa@startrek.website

• The episode title refers to a textbook that several other characters have admonished Dal for not reading this season, beginning in “Into the Breach, Part I”.

• Rok-Tahk catches Murf having a discussion with a silhouetted figure in the USS Voyager A’s astrometrics lab. Previously we’ve seen Silik speaking with the silhouetted Future Guy, beginning in ENT’s premiere, “Broken Bow”.

• Janeway speculates that the temporal shielding aboard the Infinity is what’s preventing Voyager A from being affected by the changes to the timeline caused by Chakotay and Adreek escaping aboard that USS Protostar in the previous episode. Temporal shielding was used to great effect during the USS Voyager’s conflict with the Krenim temporal weapon in “Year of Hell, Part II”.

• A chyron informs us the stardate 52 years in the future where the Protogies are stuck is, 112152.1.

”Then we send a hundred ships.” It was established in “Preludes” that the Vau N’Akat did indeed send 100 ships into the anomaly in pursuit of the Protostar.

• Zero descends into the Va’Lu’Rah pit carrying Dal and Maj’el in a manner not dissimilar to Spock carrying Kirk and Bones up the turbolift shaft with his hover boots in “Star Trek: The Final Frontier”.

• Dal claims to be able to feel that Gwyn is in pain while displaced from time. Dal has latent telepathic abilities from this proto-Organian genetics.

”I’m a doctor, not an exorcist.” The Doctor has uttered variations on Bones’ famous, “I’m a doctor, not a bricklayer,” in 13 prior instances.

”I came across a mission log where lieutenant Worf was able to jump between quantum timelines by generating an inverse warp field, siphoned from a temporal anomaly.” Maj’el relates the events of “Parallels”.

• Characters this season have chided Dal for not reading Temporal Mechanics 101, but, to be fair, the text appears to be a short video lesson, so none of them actually read it either.

• Doctor Erin MacDonald was first mentioned in the LDS episode, “First First Contact”, and seen in “Supernova, Part II”. She is based upon, and voiced by, Doctor Erin MacDonald, the science advisor who has worked on every modern Trek series thus far.

• Temporal Mechanics 101 has three examples of how to travel through time:

    • Slingshot around the sun - “Tomorrow is Yesterday”, “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”, and “Penance”

    • Get on the wrong side of a Q - “Tapestry”, “All Good Things…”, “Deathwish”, “Farewell”

    • A wormhole - “Eye of the Needle”, “Into the Breach, Part II”

• Zero uses a chronitonic hypospray to temporarily prevent Gwyn from shifting between quantum realities. The Doctor did something similar in “Shattered” using a chroniton infused serum to bring Chakotay into temporal alignment after he was hit by a surge of temporal energy from an anomaly.

• The Doctor modified a phase discriminator to stabilize Gwyn. In “Timescape”, captain Picard, Data, Geordi, and Troi used phase discriminators to protect themselves from being trapped in a temporal fragment.


• The episode title is a callback to the TNG episode, “Who Watches The Watchers”.

• Maj’el uses a band of cloth to hide her Vulcan ears, a maneuver Spock first performed in “Star Trek: The Voyage Home”.

• A chyron informs us the stardate during the present time is 61860.1.

• Gwyn challenges Ascencia to Va’Lu’Rah, a “sovereign ritual” for the Vau N’Akat, mentioned in the previous episode. Certainly this isn’t going to be some trial by combat.

    • Cultures that have ritual combat include:

      • Vulcans

      • Ligonians

      • Klingons

      • Gelrakians

”Those Vau N’Akat put a weapon on our ship that threatens the entire Federation.” Adreek is referring to the living construct, which the Protogies discovered and dealth with during the previous season, by destroying the USS Protostar.

”It would not be the first instance of a causal time loop in Starfleet history.” Maj’el confirms that the events of “Past Tense, Part I”, “Past Tense, Part II” and “Star Trek: First Contact” were the results of bootstrap paradoxes.

”Vulcans do not lie.” Maj’el lies right in Dal’s face.

    • In “The Menagerie, Part I”, Spock tells Pike, “I have never disobeyed your orders before, Captain,” which contradicts “The Red Angel” where he refuses an order to stand down.

    • In “The Menagerie, Part I”, Spock made a false entry in the Enterprise’s log.

    • In “The Menagerie, Part 2”, it is revealed that Spock has been aware the entire time that the trial was a Talosian projection and thus has been making false statements in service of that deception.

    • In “A Taste of Armageddon”, Spock lies as a distraction, claiming there’s a bug on someone’s shoulder before nerve pinching them.

    • In “Errand of Mercy”, Spock tells Kor he’s a merchant.

    • In “Amok Time”, Spock lies about his excitement seeing that Kirk survived kal-if-fee, claiming it was simply logical relief that Starfleet did not lose a capable captain.

    • In “The Enterprise Incident”, the Romluan commander asks if it is merely a myth that Vulcans cannot lie, to which he responds, “It is no myth.”

    • In “The Enterprise incident”, Spock claims he was unprepared for Kirk’s attack, and used the *”Vulcan death grip” instinctually. Clearly the attack had been planned, and there is no such thing as a Vulcan death grip.

    • In “Yesteryear”, Spock lies about his identity after travelling to the past and visiting his family.

    • In “More Tribbles, More Troubles” Spock claims that Vulcans don’t have a sense of humour, which they obviously do.

    • In “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”, Spock lies about how long it will take to repair the Enterprise in case the transmission is being monitored. When Saavik calls him on this, he claims he merely exaggerated.

    • In “Spock Amok”, Spock told Chapel that he had a dream where he had to fight his human side, whereas it was obvious that in his dream Spock was the human half fighting his Vulcan side.

• The timeline changes with Chakotay and Adreek escape aboard the Protostar instead of launching it under autopilot, causing Gwyn to start disappearing from existence. In “Children of Time” the descendants of the crew of the USS Defiant and their colony disappear when the alternate future version of Odo chooses to let 200 years worth of people never be born so he can save Kira from dying.


Trekkies were a mistake.


With tonight’s victory, Winnipeg has officially knocked the Saskatchewan Rattlers out of contention, and now have a spot in the Western Conference play-in game.


With tonight's victory, Winnipeg has officially knocked the Saskatchewan Rattlers out of contention, and now have a spot in the Western Conference play-in game.


Not my OC


”I swear, you’ve read those first contact protocols more than Picard.” Gwyn is too polite to reply that she, an alien child who grew up in a Delta Quadrant labour camp, has has no context for who Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is, even if he was captain of Starfleet’s flagship.

• Asencia [Jameela Jamil] escaped capture in the previous season’s “Supernova, Part 1” after murdering the Diviner.

• Janeway’s admiral’s log records the stardate as 61859.6.

    • The most recent stardate prior this episode was 61302.7, given in the fourteenth episode of season one, “Crossroads”.

• This is the first time we’re learning that the Diviner’s [John Noble] name was…is? Ilthuran. In season one, he was only ever referred to by his title.

”We were just a bunch of nobodies on a rock. No hope, no future, until we found that ship.” Dal is referring to the events of the season one premiere episodes “Lost and Found”.

• The crew of the USS Voyager and their allies used temporal shielding during conflicts with the Krenim during “Year of Hell” and “Year of Hell, Part II”.

”Refuse to help my own daughter? Surely I don’t make that bad of a father, do I?” The Diviner choose to abandon Gwyn on a sentient planet that manifested the nightmares of its inhabitants and then consumed them in “Terror Firma”.

• The Vulcan Nova Squadron cadet is named Maj’el, for the late Majel Barrett, who portrayed:

    • Number One

    • Christine Chapel

    • Lwaxana Troi

    • The Computer in TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, “Star Trek Generations”, “Star Trek First Contact”, “Star Trek Insurrection”, “Star Trek Nemesis”, and 2009’s “Star Trek”

    • Several other characters in TAS, including Amanda Greyson and M’Ress

• This is the first on screen mention of a sonic toilet.

• Maj’el claims that Vulcan psychic abilities are enhanced in the presence of other telepaths. I believe this is the first time this has been explicitly stated, or even implied on screen.

• One of the crew who gets on the turbolift with Maj’el calls for deck 32. In the previous episode, Zero said that the USS Voyager A has 29 decks.

”Warp cores are so beautiful up close. It’s the delta radiation.” Delta radiation? You mean the thing that melted captain Christopher Pike and consigned him to a tortured existence in a beep chair? Too soon, Zero, too soon.

    • Mirror Charles Tucker III was also deformed by long term exposure to delta rays.


Not my OC

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 33 points 5 months ago

My reading -- and what appears to be the interpretation of others who've commented as well -- is that the transphobe thinks biology agrees with them, while the biologist are explicitly saying they do not align with transphobes.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 41 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Right, but what is the image saying that's false?

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 37 points 7 months ago

Who said you can’t critique Disco?

This is about a very specific, very silly objection, levelled by people who have found themselves indoctrinated into a mode of thinking that alienates them from the people around them, because of a manufactured fear preying upon alienation many of us experience in our modern world.

I’ve had plenty of objections to aspects of Disco, especially during season two, but scattered throughout the series, and no one has ever called me a bigot for my hot takes. If you’re presenting your critiques in such a way that people are assuming you’re bigoted, perhaps you should reevaluate how you’re constructing your criticism.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 55 points 7 months ago

I'm sure that you feel like you're saying something very profound, but for most people that's just gibberish.

[-] USSBurritoTruck@startrek.website 42 points 7 months ago

You also violated Starfleet protocols which require us to not interfere with developing cultures.


Fuck Jackie Marks and the appropriating grift he rode in on.

• Dak’Rah speaks of a chancellor who asked him about a Klingon speaking on behalf of the Federation, and he uses masculine pronouns while doing so. The title of chancellor has been used to describe a variety of positions, but I suspect that I am not the only one who initially assumed Dak’Rah was speaking of the chancellor of the Klingon Empire, their head of state. Last we saw, L’Rell was still chancellor, after having taken over in “Will You Take My Hand?”

”tlhIngan maH taHjaj.” Ortegas recites the rallying cry of T’Kuvma’s followers from “The Vulcan Hello”, ”Remain Klingon.”

• Uhura learned about Aenar philosophy from Hemmer in “Memento Mori”, and we learned that they’re pacifists in “The Aenar”.

• Doctor M’Benga and La’an have been practicing Mok’bara, a Klingon martial art Worf taught aboard the USS Enterprise D as seen in “Clues”. As per “The Vulcan Hello”, prior to the Federation-Klingon War, there was effectively no contact between the Federation and the Empire for 100 years, which does raise the question of how two Starfleet officers would have been able to learn Mok’bara.

• The red martial arts uniforms Doctor M’Benga and Dak’Rah wear for their Mok’Bara sparing session resemble the ones we see worn in “Charlie X” when Kirk is showing Charlie Evans some throws in the work facilities. Except those uniforms had tight leggings, an a Starfleet delta on the chest.

• In the flashback to J’Gal, we see the Klingons there all wore their hair long. Every Klingon we saw in season one, from heads of Great Houses to guys urinating in back alleys, was bald, and in “Point of Light” we learned that it was specifically because they were at war, first with other Klingons, and then with then with the Federation. We also so that each House had individual customs for dress and body modification, so unreasonable to assume that whichever House Dak’Rah and the other Klingons who held J’Gal were loyal to did not engage in such tonsure.

     • The Klingon warlords we see Doctor M’Benga kill in the flashback are wearing the same armour as D’Chok in “The Broken Circle”.

• The D’k thag dagger was introduced in “Star Trek: The Search for Spock”.

• According to Doctor M’Benga’s service record, he was born in 2223, meaning he would be 36 years old.

• The subtitles for the episode call the Klingon homeworld ”Kronos,” but fortunately the map Number One gives to Pike has it labelled ”Qo’noS,” as it should be.

”How can we represent a Federation that believes in peace if we say some people aren’t allowed to make up for their past.” For example, Pike will probably be very grateful that during the events of “The Menagerie, Part I” the Talosians choose not to display the moment where he claimed, “It's just that I can't get used to having a woman on the bridge.” Look how far he’s come in only five years!

• Doctor M’Benga tells Dak’Rah, ”You turned me into a monster.” In “The Wounded”, Chief O’Brien tells a Cardassian officer, “It’s not you I hate, Cardassian. I hate what I became because of you.”

• Dak’Rah accidentally stabs himself during the struggle with Doctor M’Benga. In “The House of Quark”, a Klingon named Kozak accidentally stabbed himself while fighting Quark, an in “The Vulcan Hello”, the Klingon Torchbearer stabbed himself after ambushing Michael Burnham.

”Have you noticed their references are weirdly specific?” Number One is also concerned about my going way over the character limit on this post.”

• Boimler power walks away after being startled by Number One. He claimed that power walking is more efficient in “Envoys”. Apparently Section 31 does it.

• Mariner tells Uhura that while she’s known for being a super-translating space adventurer in the future, part of that reputation is that she’s carefree. In episodes like “Charlie X” and “The Man Trap” we see Uhura singing in the recreation room, and flirting with Spock.

• Mariner performs the Picard Maneuver when standing up.

• On her PADD, Uhura is looking at examples of the Bajoran and Cardassian alphabets, which are labeled as such. This is the first indication that the Federation had made contact with either civilization prior to the TNG era.

     • There is a comatose Cardassian being held by the automated shipyard in “Dead Stop”, but no one actually really sees him.

• Starbase Earhart was first mentioned in “The Samaritan Snare” when Captain Picard tells Wesley the story of his being stabbed through the heart by a Nausican, and we first see the base in “Tapestry” when Q sends Picard’s consciousness back through time to that event.

     • “Tapestry” is also the first mention of dom-jot.

     • Mariner describes dom-jot as “A billiards game that Nausicans are terrible at, but love to bet on for some reason.” We see Mariner playing dom-jot against Nausicans at Starbase Earhart in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”.

• Pelia and Boimler share a moment staring at the warp core. Boimler has a long established history of being a fan of warp cores, going back to his first episode, “Second Contact”.

• Pelia’s quote, “I always pretended to be someone I wanted to be, until finally I became that someone…or he became me,”* is paraphrasing Cary Grant.

”Don’t yell Q, they haven’t met him yet.” Q first reveals himself in “Encounter at Farpoint”

     • ”They had kind of a Trelene thing going on.” Trelene appears in “The Squire of Gothos” and, so far no where else.

• The Enterprise crew starts expressing enthusiasm for the past, specifically the NX-01.

     • Pike mentions that he would be excited to set foot on Archer’s Enterprise. In “These Are the Voyages…” we learn that he is the one who wrote the parameters for a popular holo-simulation where the user plays the role of the NX-01’s chef.

     • La’an says she loves grapplers, which first appeared in the ENT premiere, “Broken Bow”.

     • Ortegas claims, ”I’m a huge fan of Travis Mayweather. First pilot of the NX-01*.” Presumably there had to be at least one.

     • Uhura mentions Hoshi Sato having spoken 86 languages. In “Two Days and Two Nights” it’s established that Hoshi learned 38 languages before having left Earth, and that she knows ”about 40” as of that episode.

• I believe this is the first time the Fleet Museum is referred to as the Starfleet History Museum, but both locations have the NX-01, as per “The Bounty”.

• We learn that Number One is featured on a Starfleet recruitment poster, including the words “Ad Astra per Aspera” which was the motto of the United Earth Starfleet and, we learn, of personal importance to Number one in the episode “Ad Astra per Aspera”.

     • The poster featuring Number One was not seen among the recruitment material Mariner and Boimler took when they set up their booth on Tulgana IV in “Reflections”.

• It was established that Tendi is the Mistress of the Winter Constellations in “We’ll Always Have Tom Paris”.

• It’s Jack Ransom! From Star Trek! Ransom is voiced by Jerry O’Connell.

“Oh, Numero Una, hottest first officer in Starfleet history.” Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O’Connell are married.

• Drinking the Orion delaq causes the Enterprise crew to experience visual hallucinations similar to what Mariner, and Boimler went through after being exposed to nitrous oxide in “Room for Growth”. Tendi was immune.

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