[-] Transtronaut 9 points 15 hours ago

I don't know if there are formal rules around the use of these flags (I assume not), but, fwiw, as a trans person myself, I like seeing them worn in general. I don't really assume or care too much about the person wearing them, but I find it reassuring. Both in the sense of, "hey, at least this one person probably doesn't have a problem with me existing. One less rando for me to worry about", and in the sense of, "hey, at least this one person can openly exhibit a symbol of trans support and visibility without having been crucified for it. Hopefully that means I'm unlikely to catch flak for not passing around these here parts".

[-] Transtronaut 5 points 15 hours ago

I would have been happy to keep giving them money too, if they hadn't kept doubling down on shady and abusive practices like tying digital purchases to hardware, forcing online check-ins for offline games, and patent trolling. That doesn't matter one jot, though, since the broad appeal of their products means their audience largely consists of people who don't notice or care about things like that in the slightest. Makes me wonder if that's part of the strategy, but then again, I doubt it's any different for Microsoft or Sony, so maybe it's moot.

[-] Transtronaut 5 points 16 hours ago

Unfortunately, this was before xkcd. If I'd known about the "lucky 10,000", I might have been more philosophical about it at the time.

[-] Transtronaut 5 points 16 hours ago

It happened to Harrison.

[-] Transtronaut 47 points 16 hours ago

I still recall how, as a fresh-faced, young gamer just getting into the newfangled realm of online multiplayer, I got absolutely got in Everquest when somebody told me you could get a numeric representation of your current experience points by typing "/ex".

It was actually short for "/exit". And in those days, it took a loooooooooooooooooong time to relaunch the game and get logged back in. Learned a valuable lesson about human nature that day. It has served me well.

[-] Transtronaut 8 points 16 hours ago

Yeah, I'm with you. My understanding of the term "shitpost" is that it's, by definition, low-effort and/or low-quality.

[-] Transtronaut 23 points 4 months ago

Accuracy aside, I would love to see someone take this idea and turn it into a parody/remake from their perspective in the style of "Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle".

[-] Transtronaut 27 points 4 months ago

I'm just gonna leave this here in case it changes somebody's life: https://medium.com/the-identity-current/plight-of-the-transbian-4ab1a048b09b

[-] Transtronaut 21 points 7 months ago

As someone who realized they are trans and therefore also gay within the past year...

[-] Transtronaut 25 points 11 months ago

lol, blähaj - blåhaj's foul bachelor cousin.

(if you don't get it:


[-] Transtronaut 24 points 1 year ago

Yeah, the way I understand it, you're not actually a chaser unless you go around chasing people, regardless of what you're into. And just dating trans people wouldn't do it either, you'd have to be objectifying/using them. Correct me if I'm wrong.

submitted 1 year ago by Transtronaut to c/mtf

I just took my first dose of HRT today, and wanted to celebrate by giving something back to this community, which has been so helpful! ❤️

For context, the first two verses practically wrote themselves the first time I read about the effects of estrogenic second puberty in the Gender Dysphoria Bible. When they still hadn't left my brain a few weeks later, I sat down, polished it a bit, and put the rest together. I hope it will amuse! 😁

Title: Wouldn't it be Lovel-E?
Tune: Wouldn't it be Loverly? (from My Fair Lady)

Some folks they dream of riches, want to win the lottery, hmm
While others lust for glory in their field of mastery, hmm
Or want to save the world by curing every ill they see, hmm, mmm
Wouldn't it be lovely?

All I want is a derrière
Shapely hips and a lot of hair
But only way up there
Oh, wouldn't it be lovel-E?

Lots of chocolate for me to eat
Estrogen makes it taste so sweet
Warm core, cold hands, cold feet
Oh, wouldn't it be lovel-E?

Oh so lovely taking hormones 'til I've had my fill
Oh, the changes they would bring
But spare me the doctor's bill

Soft skin and sensitivity
Plus enhanced flexibility
Endowments mammary
Oh, wouldn't it be lovel-E?
All for me

[-] Transtronaut 38 points 1 year ago

Not sure either. Best guesses are a combination of elitism, ignorance, preconceptions, groupthink, and insincere memeing.

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