[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 107 points 1 month ago

That's a pretty generous summation of the problems with Biden's debate performance. It was also hardly a one-off. Every time Biden appears it's a coin flip for which Biden shows up, which is why he appears so infrequently.

You are absolutely right about how Trump's bullshit gets largely ignored by the press though.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 60 points 1 month ago

Arbitration contracts, especially in click-through licenses, are always bullshit and should be universally thrown out.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 75 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

a tepid but smart, compassionate leader.

Is that really what you saw on that stage tonight? I saw a guy who lost his car keys because he was so angry at those kids on his lawn. Whether or not the narrative on Biden is fair, he just totally legitimized it.

I get what you're saying about debating with Trump, or any Republican really. Debate is a lot easier when you care nothing for the truth. Overcoming that is the Democratic candidate's job. That's what Biden signed up to do. That's what the Democrats picked him to do. A candidate who can't function in that situation has no business on that stage. There are a great many Democrats who could have wiped the floor with Trump.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 131 points 2 months ago

I like the part of the election cycle when some good things are allowed to happen.

I don't even blame Biden for waiting. Americans have such short memories that getting elected means having to hold some things in reserve, and getting reelected or passing the office on are genuinely important factors. It just sucks that people had to wait.

Congrats to everyone helped by this!

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 50 points 3 months ago

Applicability of the 2nd amendment is highly selective. All it took for Reagan to push through gun control in California was the Black Panthers arming themselves.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 76 points 4 months ago

The Republicans voted to pass a bill in the House to send the weapons. It will almost certainly fail in the Senate but, even if it doesn't, Biden would have to sign it into law. I don't see Biden signing a bill to override himself, and there is no way that Congress would get the required 2/3 in each chamber to override. This bill was just a performative stunt.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 53 points 4 months ago

I kinda think the same for all Republicans.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 115 points 4 months ago

This is so much better than all the posts shaming voters for not wanting to vote for Biden.

Biden is a far cry from the President that I want, but it's ignorant to claim he hasn't been a hell of a lot better than Trump, or even Obama and Clinton. After 50+ years of really shitty Presidents and an even worse Congress, Biden is arguably the best we've had. It's entirely possible to promote Biden with honest accounting without trying to silence the voices saying the Democrats must do better.

That said, of the Democrats try to force Harris on us without an actual primary in 2024, then it's time to repeat the 1968 national convention. Our FPTP system means that primaries are effectively the only real democracy we get, and the way they are run by the DNC (and RNC) is abysmal.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 49 points 5 months ago

Gawd. Do we have to get one of these braindead posts every damn day? You think it's convincing anyone?

Biden's concerns aren't people choosing Trump. Those voters are fixed and committed. Biden has to worry about Democratic voters getting so frustrated with the system that they check out. These posts are practically (if not actually) designed to do exactly that.

Democrats listen up! Bitching at voters is not an effective campaign strategy! Learn something from Hillary or suffer the same fate!

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 85 points 5 months ago

That's awesome. They had no significant development costs and still racked up a $15m loss in the last year. Yep, definitely a Trump enterprise.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 70 points 7 months ago

My first guess was right wing "protesters". They really don't like electric vehicles or the people that drive them.

[-] Tinidril@midwest.social 63 points 8 months ago

Obama was practically the platonic ideal of the perfect neoliberal president. He said all the right words, checked all the right boxes, and effortlessly combined warmth and charm with an air of stern authority. He was, in all likelihood, the best neoliberal president we will ever get. Neoliberalism is clearly not enough.

It's time for the Democratic party to stop pretending they can serve the elites while paying lip service to the proles. In a rational world, the proles would have no option. Democrats are not their friends, but they will never be as bad as Republicans. But it's not a rational world, and fascism thrives with the disaffected masses. When faced with the choice between "bad" and "worse", "worse" is far more attractive than it should be.

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