I only found out when I saw a setting for I2P in qbittorrent, I went and researched about them.
How is it compared to private trackers?
Never tried them, but they seem good. Reddit is full of iptv ads.
Not just porn anything related to piracy is referred to as Linux distro it is to avoid subreddit being banned.
Never used srrdb does it just list warez releases, also it is missing a lot of releases.
In the future if you are able to get your own router opensense is a great firmware for it. Also check out selfhosted you will learn alot from there.
It is basically like purchasing a prepaid phone plan, it last forever until you use the data.
People already mentioned Lemmy, no one joined, also the mod this Usenet lemmy group hasn't posted anything in a year.
I still use reddit alot, but I use sync. Unfortunately there are still many useful subreddits in reddit that have never moved to Lemmy. For example Usenet subreddit or Fan sub Reddit for tv show and games, and let us not forget anime_titties.
I can't wait for Servo to be finished so I can move away from Firefox, it uses way too much memory.