[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 24 points 1 week ago

Wait, as AI learns the same way as humans, and humans are thus basically AI does that mean I can just pirate everything? This will change... nothing really.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 23 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Wait, they replaced the two masts with one double sized one? That seems a bit unwise.

Most of the time, though, the Bayesian operated like a motorboat, powered by two enormous diesel engines. During her five-day voyage, Ms. VanSickle said they sailed only once, for just a few hours. But when they did, the boat moved through the water so smoothly, she said, it felt like they were “gliding.”

Yes that is how sailing often feels if the water isnt choppy.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 23 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

While magic has always been exploitative, this feels like 'there is just too much'. Not sure if that makes sense. But more and more I see these franchises bloat and bloat and bloat with more and more content. And it just shatters any desire I have to even get back into it. And this isn't just a problem with magic, it is a problem with all these IPs. It feels very late stage superhero comics, where every character had such a long incomprehensive background that it was impossible to follow (and also a lot of 'to understand this storyline completely, you need to also buy a few random comics from a different story line. What do you mean to understand the last star wars movie I need to have played fortnite?).

And you know when the IP's fill up too much and the sales finally slump they will just kill half the content anyway, to refill it with more slop later (AI is going to be grand for this), or rebrand it, marvel ultimates style (but wait, it is all part of a universe, so it is all true. Eurgh). At least star wars killed their expanded universe so these old storylines no longer intersect (ow wait, they are selectively bringing stuff back of course. But wait, if new Thrawn has not done what old Thrawn has done, how is he cool? He didn't even throw rocks at people, this is all a scam!)

And don't take me as some sort of design minimalist btw, I do at times like kitchen sink designs (like nethack/slash'em for example). But this eternal milking and adding more and more to IPs is just too much. And it isn't just the world building, it is also nothing is just one thing anymore. Everything has the book(*)/videogame/movie/boardgame/bathsoap/mouthwash tiein. Anyway bit of a rant sorry.

*: you know the strange character that was underdeveloped in Rebel Moon (No not that one. The other one)? Well it is worked out better in Rebel Moon the directors cut. You saw that and it actually made the plot worse because of a glaring plot hole? Well that is explained in the book. AAAA

Edit: and it isn't just IPs who go for more and more. Presenting the Chick-Fil-A streaming/entertainment app (amazing how in a way the USA has seen the pillarisation problem of the past Netherlands and thought, we are going to do that but with a lot of capitalism added on top).

E2: More examples comparing somewhat regular outputs with ever expanding IP slops. All of HP Lovecrafts fiction work basically fits into 3 books. Look at the size of the mythos that spawned. But also compared the impressive output of somebody like Charles Stross, he has written about ~45 books (from a quick count of wikipedia, not counting collections/reprints). Compare that to Warhammer 40k's Horus Heresy, this book series (it is also 2 board games, and a card game) is 64 books long. With the last story, being written over 10 books (and 3 of those 10 are basically a trilogy). That is an insane amount of books, and it is only about a small part of the whole universe. People have to be unemployed to keep up with this kind of shit.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 25 points 2 months ago

I know im a big nerd but "Musk also presented the Optimus robot, your plastic pal who’s fun to be with — “your own personal R2-D2, C-3PO!”.

Why would I need an astromech droid Musk? At least a GNK droid provides power. Stupid sexy gonk droid.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 25 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Considering that the idea of the singularity of AGI was the exponential function going straight up, I don't think this persons understands the problem. Lol, LMAO foomed the scorpion.

(Also that is some gross weird eugenics shit).

E: also isn't IQ a number that gets regraded every now and then with an common upper bound of 160? I know the whole post is more intended as vaguely eugenics aspirational but still.

Anyway, time to start the lucrative field of HighIQHuman safety research. What do we do if the eugenics superhumans goals don't align with humanity?

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 25 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Yes we could just shoot the severs, but what if the AI develops an anti-bullet shield, and then we shoot it with anti-bullet shield bullets, and then it creates an anti-bullet shield bullet bullet shield, and then, ... and then ...

Anyway, those kinds of kids reality free, imagination games of move and counter move were pretty cool when you were 8 years old.

Sorry got distracted a bit and just wanted to share, not related to the topic at hand.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 24 points 7 months ago

The covid didn't happen at all substack (I checked their twitter) also doesn't believe any recent pandemic happened (no swineflu's ever), and it gets better the spanish flu also was a planned event, nor do they believe that anti-depressants help people, is a climategate truther etc (They are also pretty pro Israel in the current conflict but that should come as no surprise). So well done linking to that Scott.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 23 points 7 months ago

Dont anthropomorphise. There is quite the difference between a human and an advanced lookuptable.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 26 points 8 months ago

Yeah that is one of the more fucked up things about gap, them doing it all in the open and not being ashamed about it. It is scary how quickly we went from 'lol look at what these crazy neo-nazis believe in secret' a decade ago to it all being mainstreamed.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 22 points 8 months ago

"His art is 100% AI generated, yet it has no extra fingers, no generic designs"

"no generic designs"


[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 24 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

As somebody said, and im loosely paraphrasing here, most of the intelligent work done by ai is done by the person interpreting what the ai actually said.

A bit like a tarot reading. (but even those have quite a bit of structure).

Which bothers me a bit is that people look at this and go 'it is testing me' and never seem to notice that LLMs don't really seem to ask questions, sure sometimes there are related questions to the setup of the LLM, like the 'why do you want to buy a gpu from me YudAi' thing. But it never seems curious in the other side as a person. Hell, it won't even ask you about the relationship with your mother like earlier AIs would. But they do see signs of meta progression where the AI is doing 4d level chess style things.

[-] Soyweiser@awful.systems 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Men will literally write a 17 minute article before asking women 'hey how can I become more attractive'

And I'm adamantly against pretending real things aren't real. I think that's actually more fundamentally toxic than is homophobia, transphobia, etc.

Euh, well at least all the red flags will attract tankies.

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