Yeah, I pirate. Biiiiiiiig fucking deal!
But am I fucking going around on Telegram in child abuse or trafficking rings or some other shit? Am I part of the child pornography ring or some other shit? Get the fuck real, you moron.
Yeah, I pirate. Biiiiiiiig fucking deal!
But am I fucking going around on Telegram in child abuse or trafficking rings or some other shit? Am I part of the child pornography ring or some other shit? Get the fuck real, you moron.
I would rather keep up on the news that I think matters to me than the news in general. People seem to just love reporting the exact same things. I used to have frequented r/news to note this.
Lots of news about dead people, dead children .etc that sparks a lot of age-old debates.
Occasionally some celebrity dies, some small, some big.
Political follow-ups that ultimately just lead to arguments.
I tend to also like getting news a little after the fact. It helps the digesting and processing in a sense.
When you're too focused on staring at people's assets in public or anywhere. As a struggling porn addict, I have a bad habit where I am gazing or catching glimpses of asses and chest areas of women around public and at work.
When you're doing that - then it's too much.
I almost don't want to. If you can't handle honesty, truths or straightforward and shoot-straight kind of opinions. Then engaging in communication is simply not for you and nobody should have to walk on eggshells all of the time to appease someone's incapable sense of getting the point.
Anytime I enter one with a purist/gatekeeper. You just can't reason with them and they absolutely refuse to see the other side of the argument. They must always believe that their direction is the direction for all things regarding X fandoms or general hobby.
Getting dogpiled by assholes from the Steam Community because I made a post suggesting we get rid of the Jester award. I suggested it because the Jester award has been used as nothing but a badge from trolls who think honest reviews of games are a joke. I've had nearly 150+ of my reviews just bombarded with marks of 'X people found this review funny' and half of them were slapped with that stupid Jester badge.
Furthermore, I was gaslighted and antagonized both through DMs and openly on the forums to the point where I am now permanently banned from the Steam Forums in the general Steam community. I have no faith in Valve's sluggish ways that they'll deal with the sheer toxicity of their own community anytime soon.
And I was openly doxxed on a gossip site when that same someone openly threatened to cost me my IRL job.
I've been online for 29 years now and by this point, I've dealt with so much shit from shitty people to the point where I almost see reality as purgatory. I cannot wait until I enter my self-imposed retirement when I reach 30 years because I've watched the internet drown in shit with bots, AI, corporate enshittification and more.
Shitty criminals shouldn't be protected, end of story.
Okay, lol. I don't think they're there to help FB, Instagram or WhatsApp but to get on Zuck's payroll. Whatever.
Next time an insurrection happens, just let it go. Let us see how much damage these lunatics can really do. Police, FBI have spent years gathering these psychopaths and for what? For all of them to be let go in one swift executive action? Psh, the politicians are on their own next time.
God, I wonder how many people got those and used them regularly who are now having issues because of them?
"When does it stop? When does it stop?!"
Not criminals. You're trolling.