I aim to please. I just have shit accuracy.
Adding to the other comments; I once saw a interesting video of a visual demonstration of that effect and other weird things that happen close to the speed of light. It was this one if i remember correctly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ge_j31Yx_yk
I'd say its similar. Though from the limited dataset of peer reviews I have, I'd say that peer reviews are more informative / detailed while code reviews usually have way less typos lol.
Was lucky to contribute to a paper for the first time recently and was certainly suprised to see what peer reviews looked like lmao
Mensch, hätte nicht gedacht das mein Dorf so fortschrittlich ist und auch schon sowas, auch ohne Pflegestätte, angeschafft hat.
joined 4 months ago
Das hatte weit genug Wellen geschlagen das es bei unserer Studivertretung auch angekommen ist.