[-] SattaRIP 25 points 4 weeks ago

Congratulations to drugs for winning the war on drugs.

[-] SattaRIP 24 points 1 month ago

Also, not all Iranians are Persian. There are multiple cultures, despite nationalist attempts at cultural genocide.

[-] SattaRIP 98 points 3 months ago

"Not all men, but definitely this fucking guy," moment

[-] SattaRIP 31 points 3 months ago

Cause the USA cared so much about "democracy" before

[-] SattaRIP 32 points 3 months ago

At what point does a government need to put its citizens in so much danger that the latter realizes this is class warfare?

[-] SattaRIP 39 points 4 months ago

This is a story I heard second hand. Have not verified it cause Iranian history gives me a headache.

After the revolution Khomeini started persecuting minorities and women, despite having promised not to.

Some trans woman kept going to his house and harassed him until he agreed to at least keep protections for trans people.

Iran is the odd one out of middle eastern countries where it thinks being gay is abhorrent but being trans means you're defective and need the appropriate healthcare. Not that public healthcare in Iran is great. And people are still transphobic.

[-] SattaRIP 29 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Hey, remember when democrats were saying Trump is crazy for trying to start a war with Iran?

[-] SattaRIP 34 points 4 months ago

This is my favorite pseudoscience to shit on. Fundamentally the big problem with it is that there are too many layers of conplexity between psychology and evolution. You can't ignore genetics and neuroscience if you want to look at how psychology is affected, IF it's even possible.

[-] SattaRIP 47 points 4 months ago

I own a Nintendo, and I haven't used it in years. I bought some games which were ridiculously priced compared to what I was used to on steam. I'm rather annoyed they keep their games console exclusive for this reason, they have like a monopoly of a market they control, it feels.

I was gonna get some more games to put on it, but with then shutting down these emulators, I think I'll use one of those instead. Fuck Nintendo.

[-] SattaRIP 32 points 5 months ago
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