It's even more confusing: Emojis were invented in Japan, which adds another layer of cultural differences. Holding your hands flat against each other is a common sign for prayer in Christianity, but in Japan it is a commen gesture for giving thanks. Hence the "official" meaning: Thank you
Maybe they mean lupus? I think wolfes were already extinct in the 1600s on the British isles.
Principal Skinner and Miss Krababel where in the closet together. And he had a thousand hands, like Vishnu. And they were all busy.
That's why the dwarfs where helping him with his decision.
I think "train autism" means train spotting (the hobby, not the movie). In the hobby, you observe trains and write down their model and/or serial number in a notebook. The goal is to get a full set of trains of a certain kind, or operated by a company. Nowadays the community also posts photos on the internet, but for a long time, they were known as the guys comparing their notebooks with nothing but numbers.
The numbers were code for emperor Nero. If you assign every letter in the alphabet a number based on the alphabetical order and add up the values for the name, you get 666. But only if you use the Greek name NERON CAESAR, in Latin, he would be NERO CAESAR, and the missing N gives you only 616. So some scribes in the western part of the empire would calculate in their head and write down 616. So we got two versions of the number going around in manuscripts from the time.
That was the ending to the episode where they have to give up the town because of all the garbage and pollution, and just move Springfield a few miles to a new place. But this doesn't feel like it's this. I just can't put my finger on it...