I really do not support the death penalty or lynching but for this I suppose, but only after the war has started the Canadian Criminal code does talk about treason.
Why do I fell like that is asking who Moe-Ron is?
Good, and I hope it only continues on for many many years to come.
I personally do not make poured over coffee so take what I say with a grain of salt.
I went on a less plastic, and approaching zero wast, movement and this lead me to French pressing my coffee as there is no disposable parts.
Fair, I am going to pull a Canadian and apologize. I am trying to get over the Americans infiltrating the r/BuyCanadian group.
I am not yet a full convert away from Reddit.
Good to know I did not know this.
Maybe this will get me into trying to do that again.
I realize this is an old story but we need to buycanadian.
joined 1 week ago