Before I tell you the games I regret let me tell you: I recently got into Netrunner. I am 100% overwhelmed (never really played MtG). But I am so grateful for Jinteki. Through some luck I met a very experienced player who takes my hand and shows me all the things one doesn’t know if they have never played living card games/tcg. I also infected some friends of a friend and we only play online due to distance. I am in my 30s and feel so excited for every game. Maybe go on netrunnerdb take a prebuilt get a couple of runs and get excited by playing. My preach is over, now to you question: Most times I was lucky with my blind buys. Oath, CloudAge etc. Games I don’t really like such as Celestia many of my friends enjoy so I keep them. Games I hated first but initially did not buy like Root and Bora Bora I gave a second try years later. Then I started to enjoy them. Maybe because I got more experience and for Root I embraced the chaos. Now I am a proud owner of all but the Clockwork expansions. It sucks spending money on something you looked forward to. The good thing is you can always revisit, resell and regift.
Glasgow should get it’s own DLC for Mini Metro ;)
Mrwhostheboss video about Temu made me unsubscribe. Felt more like advertisement than anything else.
Auch ich bekomme einen Hass, jedes Mal wenn ich Dienstwagenprivileg höre. Allerdings denke ich, dass in vielen Punkten auch heute schon das Auto den Öffis weit unterlegen ist. Außer natürlich man glaubt der Werbung, weil Auto macht Brum Brum und gibt das Brum Brum Gefühl:
Keine Parkplatzsuche
Nicht selber fahren
Im Fernverkehr Geld zurück bei Verspätung (bekomm ich im Stau nicht)
Ich geh auf die Toilette, Zug rollt weiter
High, alkoholosiert. Egal. Jemand fährt mich heim
Ich kann lesen, mich bewegen.
Natürlich gibt es Orte und Menschen, die nur mit dem Auto zu erreichen sind. Und Öffis brauchen Gewöhnung. Wie funktioniert richtiges umsteigen, Linienpläne, iehh Menschen. Da kann das Ticket helfen. Berührungsängste abbauen.
Wenn die Erwartungshaltung aber ist mit 1 T Metal bis in den Aldi zu fahren, weil laufen für Untermenschen ist, denen kann einfach nicht geholfen werden.
This week was a good week. I have three wins to report.
Order by importance of the win:
Twilight Imperium - how did I manage to win? I still have no idea. This game is so long and it was my second time playing it. Four Player table. It is nicely asymmetrical and way too many factions to understand there balance playing it once a year. It is an ok game. But why do people like this game so damn much? The art is nice.
Root - Vagabond for the first time and won the game. Still prefer the other factions cause I like the war aspect of the game.
Heat - it is a race game. And I won. The review from shut up and sit down really captures the essence of the game. It is nice and a light game. Only half as lovely without Dutraits art. I was glad someone else moved the bots, cause this I didn’t quite catch yet. Would love to play with six players.
Foodchain magnate - oh, did I lose. This game gives no room for failure. It is tight and needs lots of planning. The old art style I really like. Nat a game I need to replay.
My favourite cheap accessory is silicone muffin cups. Available in multiple colours. Fits all your different resources. I think nearly every second person in our club has some. Extra nice: cups with a fold halfway up. Perfect to make half cups for fewer recourses. When not in use, make cupcakes.
Radlands - my personal favourite 2 player game. Tower defence with cards. Design a mix of borderlands meets Mad Max
Aeons end - not two players but works really well at 2. coop card game against a nemesis. Multiple expansions available. Many characters and card combinations. This game is a close second in my two player list.
Shadows of Kyoto - a game from emporers4, and I have to admit I like their games. Two player slightly asymmetrical trying to get your spy to your opponent site or try to catch their spy.
Hanamikoji - trying to get the favours on the right site with only four possible turns. Kosmos has it too, and it is language independent, no need to get it from Taiwan if you have better access through them. Geisha‘s road is pretty similar.
Shottentotten - name could be more sensible but a quick to learn Poker with multiple games one plays at the same time
Finally I had the time to play the new games we got at the Spiel
Arborea - 3 this week, 4 games in total. Played with 2 and 4 players. I am so glad I backed it. The mechanics of the game are pretty unique in my collection. Putting workers in but not immediately activating them and hoping they will be pushed further until it is your turn again is exciting and interesting player interaction. The shared resources I like most. I like the idea to produce and if you can’t or don’t want to use them the player is rewarded with points. The owls seem very powerful, hard to get but work nicely if you have your gift set-up up and running. I haven’t tested the rule cards yet, but they could add a little twist to the game. The midnight expansion is cool, need to use the fish more next time.
Satori - from a score board of over 300 we come to max. 40 points. It is cute, shared workers with few possibilities and each time you do a combo you feel like a pro. I like that you can annoy your opponents with evil moves. With 2 players the board is a little bit restricted. Would like to test with more players.
Eleven - well. I am not into sports, the flavour seems nice. The game play is meh, in my opinion. The matches are too fiddly in my opinion. An overlay for the cards with markers to show if a goal was scored would be nice.
Witcher the old world retail edition - I do like the card combo effect. The little links to do combo attacks. The flavour text is loosely webbed into the game. The text reads nicely (German edition). Player dice poker against the other players is like real gambling and as far as I know there is no way to cheat (yet). The end came a bit sudden (2 players). Would like to test with more players.
Drums of war - what a downer. I either don’t understand the game or it really is a lame game. Didn’t like it. Art work is okish.
Bite - cute quick game with high value double sided paper tokens. Easy to learn. Hard to master. A good small game.
Es muss ja nicht dogmatisch das eine oder andere sein. Wenn es eine separate Busspur gibt, dann lohnt es sich eventuell einen Parkplatz außerhalb zu suchen und dann mit den Öffis den letzten Kilometer zufahren.
Natürlich zahlt man dann eventuell für den Parkplatz und das Ticket, wenn man keine Monatskarte besitzt. Das aber vllt einfach der Preis, den man zahlen muss, statt im Stau zu stehen.
Ich versuche es so Vorwurfs frei auszudrücken wie ich kann: was ist denn ein angemessener Preis, um 1T Auto mit sich zuführen, egal wohin man fahren möchte?
Der Zaubertrick für Öffis in NRW: gönn dir die Mobilitätsgarantie
Taxi, Fernzug, alles ab voraussichtlich 20 min Verspätung. 4-6 Wochen hast du dein Geld zurück.
I am the same. I prefer Ares. It is so much better in my opinion.
Ich nutze super gerne KptnCook (die free Version reicht für mich). Das schöne ist, wenn man ein Rezept verpasst hat, kann man es über Links teilen. Es gibt so ca 20 Gerichte, die ich immer wieder koche. Also daher auch mehrfach getestet. Während Corona war das ein bisschen wie Pokémonkarten tauschen auf der Arbeit. Sieht lecker aus! Gib mal das Rezept.
Einkaufsliste kann geteilt werden
Rezepte sind abwechslungsreich
Jeden Tag neue Ideen
Hab ganz neue Lebensmittel kennengelernt (Weißweinessig ist der Shit!)
Backen, Getränke, Dips auch dabei
Bildschirm bleibt an
Manchmal stehen Lebensmittel im Text und nicht im Bild
Vergessen zu speichern? Pech (hoffe, dass du es von Freunden bekommst)
Nach ca 6. Monaten hatte ich die ersten Wiederholungen
Die Zeitangabe ist eine Lüge