Ok but what am I supposed to do if I'm both people in that experience???? Uhh checkmate liberal
What's extra fun is like a block away is a really stoned looking Native American guy statue that has his arm up in what I hope is a wave and not a stiff-arm salute. But he usually looks like he's petting the tree that grows next to him.
Anyone else deeply uncomfortable from the artists name?
Obligatory "Godzilla had a fucking stroke trying to read that"
I frickin love Konsi. I relate way too hard to this one!
I feel so accomplished in my studies that I can recognize a React component now! (Here's to hoping I can finish my full stack certification soon lol)
And that is a significant reason why I love MN!
Great blessings be upon ye! I'm new to warhammer and I've only really been exposed to the 40k tabletop war game. I had to look up skavens and discovered there's a ttrpg as well. That's super cool!
As a Minnesotan. Yes. So deeply offended. It gets cold as fuck up here
I like weekly stuff a lot better. I'm not usually on every day so I tend to miss stuff that's particular to a single day
I really appreciate the summary as well! Great recommendations all around!
x^2 / x = x ?? How alarming