There's only one achievement of the ones left that I actually care about and I haven't gotten around to attempting it yet. I've mostly been playing modded levels and doing any% speedruns.
I'm all for frequent, lower stakes quizzes but I disagree about what makes them stressful.
One of my professors did that type of thing where he would randomly ask surprise graded questions on his lecture material throughout the class. It happened multiple times every class and we'd have ~30 seconds to a minute to answer them. Despite them being relatively low stakes (because of how many there were), that was easily the most stressful class I've ever taken. Having to be constantly on edge for the entire class for a quiz without knowing when it would happen (or even worse, getting caught off-guard when it did) was exactly what made it so stressful.
I think the amount of stress that would cause would lead to significantly higher drop out rates at pretty much every level.
Why am I being called out like this?
Thank you so much for this comment! This might just be dependent on my individual family, but do you think there's anything I can do to emphasize that I'm being serious and it isn't a phase or anything? Or will it just be a matter of it happening over time?
Thank you so much for this comment!! I really appreciate it ❤️
Wait Kitsune Tails looks ~~so cute~~ I mean uhh, like a great platformer, I should get it (totally still cis tho)