I remember fake Duracell batteries with only picture instead of a real gauge. I really feel the pain.
I think that information for XMPP is inaccurate. I use it for private communication. E2E encryption is on by default in Conversations, messages are removed from a server if MAM is off.
Is Cirno in high demand?
That's awesome! My childhood dream comes true
At the mountains of Madness
Physics is also important. Coins are usually made of softer metal so a wrench can crush it if a bolt is too tight.
Thank god I'm from Eastern Europe and I don't have a college debt. CRIES WHERE IS MY SNICKERS™?!
It reminded me of liberal democratic party of Russia (they are far right). Communist party of Russia also is no communist :)
I think that compact SUV is an optimal car. It is not too big (sized like a normal car), it doesn't consume too much fuel, you can drive to the countryside (with light offroad) and it has enough space for some load and passengers feel comfortable. It can have AWD but I think that differential block is more important than AWD.
I'm happy for you!
It's still Gulf of Russia on Yandex maps. JK, it's Галф оф Мексико