The term this story should have introduced everyone to is: "Trial balloon"

Logitech were just floating a trial balloon, that is all.

If you can't build it from source, you don't own it.

Paying is just a courtesy.

The worst part about this IMO is the school system teaching digital dependency on proprietary software vendors.

Big tech salivates at the thought of being a child's "first"... much like other kinds of child groomers.

Was at a red light with a cop behind me. Some guy rolls up behind them, braking just late enough that the front bumper of his car love taps the rear bumper of the squad car.

Both officers immediately jump out and open fire on the poor guy. He was hosed after a couple of rounds. The cops just casually get back in and drive off like it was nothing.

This was in Los Santos btw.

How can anyone live in NYC?

Having read through accounts of Washington and Adams, it would seem that there was a very prevalent dislike of New York city in the colonies. They described NYC residents as lacking in decorum, which I still find fairly fitting today.

The loss of generational knowledge is a very real concern (in tech, not just piracy) that nobody talks about. I am genuinely concerned for the future of major Linux distros, for example.

Those old forums haven't gone anywhere. They aren't very populous, but this also has the upside of making your presence on a forum all the more potent.

If you're looking to start your own, forum software has broken up onto two styles: The 'modern' hyper-interactive javascript based stuff (Discourse, Flarum...) and the 'oldschool' stuff (phpBB, nodeBB, asmBB...)

I'm going to break the rules a little bit and share four.

In order:

  1. Dolores Claiborne (1995)

  2. Misery (1990)

  3. Elf (2003)

  4. The Lego Movie (2015)

Here is my fan theory (possible spoilers):

spoilerA traumatized and desperate woman is driven nearly to insanity dealing with a rough life in north eastern America. After losing her family life, she retreats to a mountain cabin to live out her days alone and at no risk of ever being taken advantage of again. As a coping mechanism, she develops and unhealthy relationship with written fiction.

The writer who escapes moves far away and takes on a new identity working as a publisher of children's books in New York city (no chance of crazies kidnapping you over children's books, right?). He thought he was finished dealing with crazy people until a man claiming to be both his son and a christmas elf are thrust into his life.

Reconnecting with family and assimilating back into society has turned Buddy, who has since dropped that moniker, into a respectable, hard working family man. He wants to give his children the normal childhood he was never allowed to have. Although he still clings to some old habits. After suffering the trauma of having his custom built Lego city crushed by his manager back in Gimbels department store years prior, he is now healing by constructing an elaborately crafted Lego city in the basement of his home. Only this time meticulously cementing each piece into place.

His now wife, knowing his past, is accepting of the hobby. But his own children, with whom he hasn't shared his upbringing, aren't so understanding.


Roughly ~1/3 requests yields a loading issue. In case you were wondering why Invidious instances reliability seems to have been in decline very recently.

According to open issue

Additional context
This seems to be a global update, done before 22:23 UTC. (10:23 PM.) From my brief testing, this is present throughout all instances, and regardless of IPv6 address.


The "just be a decent human being" crowd strikes again

No, it's not just an engagement farm. It's also an incredibly valuable tool for social engineers to manipulate public opinion. So there's that.

If your cast vote is influenced at all by a candidate's physical attributes (such as gender), you're doing it wrong.

"Why do we need XYZ candidate in?" "Well, because he looks like meeee!"

I'm on board now. Fuck cars. (

I was recently held up in absolute dead stop traffic. We were sitting on the tarmac with no movement for well over an hour, in the 80 degree sun, before I felt obliged to leave my car and go see if it was because of roadwork or an accident or what.

I joined a small crowd of onlookers after reaching the head, spectating a row of sit-in protesters. One driver had tried to get around but a few protesters moved tactically so that he couldn't go any further without injuring somebody.

I didn't wait around, although there were people phoning the police and some tempers beginning to flare. So I head back to my car. The dairy groceries that I picked up on the way back from work had begun to spoil.

I was late home by nearly three hours, so no time to unwind. Just enough to pack away some old leftovers before heading off to sleep and restart cycle all over, -1 hour or so of sleep.

Previously, I had no opinion whatsoever on whether cars=good or cars=bad. But after being held up in traffic, wasting money, wasting gas, losing sleep and perhaps a bit of my sanity I am now totally on board with the Fuck Cars movement. I couldn't imagine a more convincing strategy to bring people over to your perspective. Excellent thinking. Good job.

Ads are always malicious, and I'm not talking about just the technical.


Especially when those 2nd, 3rd, + properties are being used as passive short term rentals. Observing the state of the housing situation "Hmm there aren't enough homes for normal families to each have a chance, I should turn this extra property of mine into a vacation rental." does this make said person a POS?

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