It boggles my mind how any Ukrainian in 2023 still trusts the USA. What more do they need to know? Will they ever learn?
Do you think you should be blocked from accessing BBC for similar reasons? If not why not?
Downvoting doesn't do anything though. Does it?
Cats are invasive species that destroy ecosystems. No thanks.
I have the opposite experience.
Let them in so we can laugh at them!
Good about the phone number. It's the main reason I don't use discord.
Agree with the last part except I see a much shorter timeline. If not Taiwan then South America. America needs war.
Ireland is just an aircraft carrier and tax haven for America.
This is just a propaganda buzzword. See also "Unprovoked", "sovereign", "ecocide"...there's loads of these. This method of propaganda is very effective. Drum a word into people via various media and they like to repeat it and ignore everything else. Ask someone what sovereign means, they don't know. They'll prefer to repeat the word than question anything about the concept.
Capitalism doesn't even work on paper or demonstrably in reality.