[-] LadyAutumn 53 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The whole of American society is slowly shifting towards widespread acceptance of violence against queer people. Any notion that our society or culture has progressed in any way is fake. It's empty. The post Stonewall era of perceived progress is over. For many queer people, the approach of January 20th is a shadow encroaching on the light of lives we hoped to live. Fear is becoming very commonplace in our communities. There's no mistaking what the people in power plan to do to us. And every day, widespread society shows more and more that that's fine. Any debate that we deserve rights is over. We are a problem for those in power to choose how to get rid of. Our lives are completely at the whims of the state, a state now being handed over to a group of people who delight in our suffering. Who delight in the suffering of children.

I fully expect states like Florida to criminalize being queer as soon as Trump takes office. They will start to raid night clubs and arrest trans people under crossdressing laws and gay people under sodomy laws. Just like they did in the 60s. We will be forced into hiding. We will grow up never understanding who we are or that its okay for people like us to exist. A whole generation of queer children will die because of laws like this. Nothing has changed.

[-] LadyAutumn 54 points 1 month ago

This is how a generation is raised without the words to talk about their own bodies. This is how girls get their first period and it's terrifying and unexpected and shame inducing. This is how kids are sexually abused by adults and lack the understanding that what happened to them was wrong or the terminology to tell anyone about it. It's how teenage pregnancy happens because teenagers aren't being educated on how to have safe sex, on how to use birth control.

It's disgusting. This inherent view that knowledge of the functions and parts of your own body and the bodies of other people is somehow harmful is horrifically misguided. Parents are (generally) notoriously bad at educating their children about reproductive anatomy. It's an uncomfortable subject to have with your child in the culture we live in. It's reasonable to assume that a majority of parents either won't at all, or will fail to properly educate their children about reproductive anatomy. Parents who are abusing their children also have a vested interest in their children not understanding what is happening to them.

Depriving children of this education is a fundamental infringement of their human rights. Child welfare is one of the absolute most basic goals of the education system, and depriving children of education about their bodies and reproductive anatomies is harmful to their well-being and safety.

[-] LadyAutumn 56 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's not punishing anyone as much as asserting our bodily autonomy, but go off. Targeting Republicans means no pressure is applied to anyone else to change society. Not every woman will participate in the strike. The effects of it have to be wide reaching.

It's a widespread denial of the institutions behind gender relationships. Saying that the system is dangerous for women and refusing to participate in it.

[-] LadyAutumn 54 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Do you genuinely think that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are either one opposed in any way shape or form to the actions of Netanyahu or the Israeli state?

Kamala Harris has come right out and said that she will always support Israel, literally no matter what. Joe Biden has openly declared himself a zionist for the last 4 decades. They are both overwhelmingly supportive of Israeli colonialism and have both committed to funding and arming the Palestinian genocide. This genocide has been happening with guns and money that the Biden administration provided to them. He has had the entirety of the past year to condemn the Palestinian genocide and to recognize Palestine as a free nation. Instead, him and his administration have chosen hundreds of times to interfere in international processes to end the Palestinian genocide. He is very literally a genocide supporter.

Can we please stop pretending that this genocide is a controversial bypartisan issue in American politics? The Republicans and the Democrats are both maintaining official party stances of complete and unconditional support of the Palestinian genocide.

[-] LadyAutumn 59 points 9 months ago

Lot of people in this thread who don't seem to understand what sexual exploitation is. I've argued about this exact subject on threads like this before.

It is absolutely horrifying that someone you know could take your likeness and render it into a form for their own sexual gratification. It doesn't matter that it's ai rendered. The base image is still you, the face in the image is still your face, and you are still the object being sexualized. I can't describe how disgusting that is. If you do not see the problem in that I don't know what to tell you. This will be used on images of normal non-famous women. It will be used on pictures from the social media profiles of teenage girls. These ads were on a platform with millions of personal accounts of women and girls. It's sickening. There is no consent involved here. It's non-consensual pornography.

[-] LadyAutumn 62 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Fuck Pope Francis. Love that he said "no its okay to do genital surgery on babies (literally less than 2 years old) if they don't match what we decided was right for them". Intersex people can just go fuck themselves in the Pope's view I guess.

0 fucking consistency to any of their bullshit rhetoric. I think God's core message is actually to shut the fuck up and let medical professionals address people's health problems.

GRS literally saved my life. I would literally be dead if not for it. Transitioning allowed me to live a happy, fulfilled life. Anyone who tries to say that I shouldn't have been able to transition, or should be forced to detransition, is unironically literally saying that I should be fucking dead. No part of me is a man. If God existed, then me as I am today was always his plan and design for me. Because otherwise he's just a fucking asshole who literally created me just to suffer and die. If such a God existed I would have no qualms openly defying his creation, because no human being should be driven to suicide over something that real medical treatments exist for.

“ideological colonization”

The unbelievable fucking audacity for the catholic God damn church to accuse trans people of colonizing is so fucking wild. Such an unbelievable thing to say as someone who's the head of an organization that goes around the world "converting people from their heathen religions to Christianity". But somehow spreadings trans rights to be themselves and receive medical treatments that save their lives is "colonization". I'll tell that to the tens of thousands of dead native children buried outside catholic residential schools.

[-] LadyAutumn 56 points 9 months ago

They're starting to claim it was the fault of "DEI". That's their new thing, whenever any accident happens of any kind its the fault of "DEI", by which they mean its the fault of minorities having jobs. How convenient that all the failures of poor management and cut corners due to profit seeking can so neatly be blamed on minorities they want to discriminate against.

[-] LadyAutumn 55 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I do think it's important that people know what it is they're celebrating, but yeah like my local Chinese community always does a lunar new year celebration that is open to everyone. I think a lot of Chinese people (and other communities that celebrate the lunar new year, like Okinawan Korean Vietnamese and many others) see open celebration as creating more appreciation for and understanding of their culture.

[-] LadyAutumn 52 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Racism, Misogyny and transphobia have always come from a similar place and build off of each other. They share the same narratives and the same desire for ostracization and oppression. Bigots will always ally with other bigots, as this hatred is not rational and only someone with similarly irrational hate could support you. Dig enough in bigoted communities and you are certain to find all different kinds of hatred.

That's why TERF communities are infested with homophobia, misogyny, racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia. Over time the concentration of white supremacy and nazism has grown exponentially in terf communities. Nazis share many of the same goals and many of the same conspiracies that terfs do. And prominent terfs like Kelly Jay Keen openly ally with Christian white nationalists around the world.

[-] LadyAutumn 58 points 1 year ago

I miss when CCTV was a world ending privacy concern. Its gotten so much worse in the last decade.

[-] LadyAutumn 58 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

What else would you call women in this scenario? You're literally worth less than a non-sentient proto-fetal clump. Even if that clump is going to kill you. Its like giving cancer the right to live and banning any attempts to remove it.

They're literally forcing women to die. The intended effect isn't to ban abortion, its part of a concentrated effort from far right christian white nationalists to reduce women to an enforced subservient breeding class. Have you ever paid attention to the rest of the shit these people say? They say loud and clear what they want all the time. They want to take away divorce rights, they want gender roles to become legally enforced in particular with regards to clothing and expression, they oppose women in politics and in the work force, they pathologically shame and degrade women based on perceived promiscuity or perceived lack thereof.

This isn't a matter of just having people oppose abortion bans. If it was, we wouldn't be here. If majority public opinion was what mattered, roe v wade would never have been overturned to begin with. Abortion bans are extremely unpopular even with many conservative voters. If you're poor, you're just fucked. You have no recourse whatsoever and a lot of people with complicated pregnancies will just die. If you can't afford the cost of relocating yourself out of a red state then you have nothing. You have no alternative but to try an unsafe method in what is probably going to be a non-clinical setting. And even if you succeed and live you can be tossed in jail for having made a Google search and one family member who calls the police. These are laws meant to kill women. They are meant to cause widespread fear and suffering for women and girls. Legally women and girls are not equal to men, not in bodily autonomy or in health care or in human rights. These laws aren't simply harming women, they're murdering them.

And honest to God if someone is dissuaded from being pro women's rights because they feel that a random person online has made an "exaggeration", and so choose to instead support laws that murder women - then they're a misogynist already in league with the fascists pushing these laws. You're an enemy of women if for absolutely any reason you support a law that's primary aim is to literally end women's lives. Its time to stop dabbling in bullshit, the people who write the laws aren't stupid they are 100% aware of what these laws do. They are aware of how it forces minors who have been r*d to carry pregnancies they are likely to die from. They know, the laws are written specifically so that will happen. There's no ambiguity, there's no exaggeration, these are laws written and created with the specific express intent to cause grievous bodily harm to, and outright murder, women.

[-] LadyAutumn 63 points 2 years ago

Muting means other people can still comment on your stuff, and everyone else but you can see it.

Its so transphobes and homophobes can continue commenting on LGBT people's content.

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