This is how a generation is raised without the words to talk about their own bodies. This is how girls get their first period and it's terrifying and unexpected and shame inducing. This is how kids are sexually abused by adults and lack the understanding that what happened to them was wrong or the terminology to tell anyone about it. It's how teenage pregnancy happens because teenagers aren't being educated on how to have safe sex, on how to use birth control.
It's disgusting. This inherent view that knowledge of the functions and parts of your own body and the bodies of other people is somehow harmful is horrifically misguided. Parents are (generally) notoriously bad at educating their children about reproductive anatomy. It's an uncomfortable subject to have with your child in the culture we live in. It's reasonable to assume that a majority of parents either won't at all, or will fail to properly educate their children about reproductive anatomy. Parents who are abusing their children also have a vested interest in their children not understanding what is happening to them.
Depriving children of this education is a fundamental infringement of their human rights. Child welfare is one of the absolute most basic goals of the education system, and depriving children of education about their bodies and reproductive anatomies is harmful to their well-being and safety.
The whole of American society is slowly shifting towards widespread acceptance of violence against queer people. Any notion that our society or culture has progressed in any way is fake. It's empty. The post Stonewall era of perceived progress is over. For many queer people, the approach of January 20th is a shadow encroaching on the light of lives we hoped to live. Fear is becoming very commonplace in our communities. There's no mistaking what the people in power plan to do to us. And every day, widespread society shows more and more that that's fine. Any debate that we deserve rights is over. We are a problem for those in power to choose how to get rid of. Our lives are completely at the whims of the state, a state now being handed over to a group of people who delight in our suffering. Who delight in the suffering of children.
I fully expect states like Florida to criminalize being queer as soon as Trump takes office. They will start to raid night clubs and arrest trans people under crossdressing laws and gay people under sodomy laws. Just like they did in the 60s. We will be forced into hiding. We will grow up never understanding who we are or that its okay for people like us to exist. A whole generation of queer children will die because of laws like this. Nothing has changed.