Someone can be in cardiac arrest and have an asystoly or PEA. In fact, whenever someone has an asystoly or PEA they are in cardiac arrest.
But OP asked a different question. Not what happens when earth stops spinning but what happens when earth spins in the other direction.
Let's wait for an affected person chiming in, but the way it was explained to me is this (when you were born blind): You don't see anything. There's no part in your brain developed to "see". It is as if you tried to "see" with your elbow. There is no perception of sight l.
Ist es auch. Deswegen "Menstruierende".
Es gibt Orte, da hat es keine Kinderärzt:innen die noch Patient:innen aufnehmen. Dann gehen welche in Rente, für den freiwerdenden Sitz findet sich niemand, nach einiger Zeit wird der Sitz von der KV gestrichen.
Wo ich lebe, nimmt im ganzen Kreis keine Kinderarztpraxis mehr Kinder auf, nur Neugeborene. Ich fahre 45min mit dem Auto zu unserer "neuen" Praxis. 2h+ mit Bus und Bahn. Und selbst die nimmt nicht mehr.
O-Ton der Praxen die ich abtelefoniert habe: "Wenn es was akutes ist, gehen sie in die Bereitschaftspraxis."
So, und nun?!
What's that supposed to mean?
What book: Born a crime.
Author: Trevor Noah
Genre: Memoir
How do you like it: very much. I barely read a book where I was shaking my head so much bc of the atrocities that were going on in the South African apartheid
Would you recommend it? Absolutely.
I know this is very common in the US but as an European this is still a weird concept for me to keep track of a person's ethnicity at all.
Does this have any implications whatsoever in terms of benefits or something? Otherwise I'd just let it be.
It is.
The German name for it translates to king's candle. I like it a lot.
"Wir" vielleicht nicht. Der "nur mal gucken" User vielleicht schon. Was ja für die Ad-Einnahmen das wichtige ist. Die Frage ist, was passiert wenn nicht mehr so viele Leute Content erschaffen auf Reddit. Dann gibt es für oben genannte User-Gruppe auch nix mehr zu gucken.
Bum Bum 😍
That's incorrect.
Someone might be not breathing for a number of reasons. Most likely however, when you find them unconscious & not breathing on the street it's for cardiac reasons. And then a defibrillator is the one best treatment for that (if the heart has a shockable rhythm that is).