[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Israel didn't lie, the Washington Post did. Probably for sweet Qatari ad money.

One of the tunnel rooms had a recent air conditioning installation deep under ground.

International media coverage has been trash and doesn't even bother anymore.

After the Shifa hospital director bold faced lied about the generator configuration why should anyone take their denials seriously. The IDF left 300L of fuel for them to run their (N) ICU which according to openly published research on their hospital would run their two generators for over a day. The currently under arrest director claimed it would barely last 30 minutes. There's another hospital director now on record about the hospitals being used for torture and command centers. There's also security footage of hostages being brought back to Shifa. Several hostages' bodies were recovered from the Shifa complex area.

Not to mention it's been a fact Shifa was used like this for going on 10 years if not longer. Western media only pays attention when there's Qatari ad money floating around.

https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-hospital-director-admits-hamas-used-medical-complex-as-operational-hub/ here's it on a record that international news media doesn't even bother to watch before publishing libelous bull shit to get literal slave state Ad dollars.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's only info from the first game which you didn't really play.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 18 points 10 months ago

Literally not talking about the tunnels and bunkers shown recently which are built in Hamas style developed over the last 15 or so years.

The shafts and tunnels are built in a certain style with parts made in gaza. This is all visible.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's a bit old, but Bcachefs did get merged into 6.7

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 12 points 10 months ago

Yea most Israelis agree it's fucked too.

Cops are bastards and let it happen, local troops help.

One silver lining is the Israeli Left is having a resurgence and there might be a government trying to roll it back and clean up it's act after this.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 14 points 10 months ago

The Hamas rep elaborated previously that like 50+ hostages were held by other groups and in some cases just some people that did a kidnapping.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Lemmy is mostly lefties despite a few glaring counter examples.

Theres a lot of huffing gas going on on the left with near zero historical context or on-the-ground understanding. People still repeat "River t0 the Sea" as if it's not a literal call to genocide for militant nationalists. Instead they post the decolonization blog. Meanwhile even Palestinian Authority reps and members of the negotiating team for the last n peace deals are publishing opinion pieces that the phrase is intrinsically a call to violent genocide and the Palestinian supporters really need to check who they are getting their "facts" from. It's basically on siding with a terrorist org but because some people think there is a noble goal beneath it that makes it OK to chant.

There's also a lot of people too young to remember how the West and East conducts sieges in dense urban areas. It's not good or pretty to look at.

Also like most people outside of the region don't seem to get that Palestinians and Israelis are both more or less the same ethnicity (Semitic though the term has fallen out of usage outside of describing the language roots of Arab and Hebrew and like half a dozen other languages) and look the same. There isn't a skin color component. That's projection from Americans/Westerners who mostly see Ashkenazi jews who tend to avoid light for various reasons and are pretty pale. Once they are back in the middle east everyone turns a shade of olive/brown and you couldn't pick a jew or an Arab out of a lineup if they didn't have religious clothing on to make it easier.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 13 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

The US led Coalition procedures for a siege are more or less what Israel is doing. (if you want to read about Fallujah the US military procedure includes firing white phosphorus at tunnel entrances to smoke out the people in the tunnel by consuming all the oxygen. Even Israel thinks that's fucked up to do and restricts White Phosphorus to its legal usage as range finding for artilery during the current Gazan war.)

There are US military advisors OKing the plans and have been for a while.

Fact of the matter is urban sieges fucking suck and the govs of the world all undertake them in what the UN labels as fucked up. Ukraine blew up a major energy pipeline for the rest of Europe causing a lot of people to struggle to pay their bills to keep their homes warm in winter.

Even critical leaders like Macron flipped their tune and are now pushing for an international coalition. The context that Israel was always on the hook for Gaza's Water and Power situation before thousands of bombs started falling on the area is important. The Israeli water and power workers can and have striked when asked to go into Gaza to fix their power lines after Gazan rockets blew them up (high failure rate remember). There is a very real "hostages thing" amongst the tribes and people native to the region, such that even the Unions will continue to strike while there are hostages even after the IDF has agreed to a ceasefire. The water situation was exacerbated by Hamas and associated groups digging up pipes to turn into rockets.

Hamas posted hype videos of them turning humanitarian aid pipes into rockets. https://youtu.be/MvvqBcA-9yA?si=EUH85MQeaR8IQkbt

Concerns about fuel were confirmed when Hamas stole an estimated 6 days worth of running the Gazan water system from the UN.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The day after I moved to Germany I went to the hospital emergency room with what was later diagnosed as a kidney stone and stomach infection.

I was given over the counter painkillers and some cramp medication and told to drink lots of beer to treat the stomach infection by the doctor.

I am serious. I asked about the complications drinking on the pain meds and he just said it was OK.

mixing those meds with alcohol fucks your liver

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I had to switch instances to one that defederated from Hexbear because there would be hundreds of comments from them with a few tankies posting dozens of comments. It's real. You're just not seeing it due to the defederation.

If you're defederated you won't see their comments.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

middle-upper middle class in America = rich in Europe.

I took a 50% pay cut to move to Europe. I'll probably move back.

Edit: the €200 uninsured hospital visit when I got here before my public insurance activated Was nice though. Actually finding a doctor here who can see me on a time scale not measured in Quarters is a problem though. Also drug availability for my issues is real as the public insurance doesn't offer a lot of them. It's still marginally better than the US and a lot cheaper but fuck me I need my medication or to see the doctor more than 3-4 times a year for them to adjust it.

Oh also the lack of AC given climate change is a huge problem. The BS about better insulation is just that. You end up roasting in an oven. The insulation and construction methods are also impossible to do modifications to without a lot of time and specialized equipment. A contractor I hired burned out their impact driver just hanging artwork. The toilets suck too and are embedded in the wall so good luck servicing them.

[-] LaLiLuLuCo@lemmy.ca 12 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Or how LGBT relationships and "sissy-men" get censored out the wazzoo in popular Chinese Media and on social media.

Fun fact my mainland Chinese friends started saying "this humiliates China" without any other context on their social media because they weren't even allowed to say they were lonely during lock downs due to censors.

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