Yeah this is the sad reality of weeb culture. These are the guys who try to brigade something because a character's boobs aren't big enough (see: Tifa in FF7 remake) and are completely, utterly serious. And they don't understand why none of us can muster even a modicum of respect for their opinions.
Goddamn this is beyond wholesome. Hope it goes amazing OP! keep us updated ☺️
Yeah there are artistic scenes in samurai Jack that wow me even all this time later. Great show.
A bit of an obscurer one, but I would love another Black & White, based on Black & White 2. It's a god game where you control a giant bipedal creature, control a city (or several) and battle against other gods through architecture and combat. You can train your creature to do things you prefer and expand your influence however you like.
It had a good/evil morality system, is completely winnable by being a pacifist, and has a really cute style of humor.
No other God game has quite scratched that itch and it's still fun to this day almost 20 years later.
It's a pretty fun story focused game. The visual quality can be quite astounding, especially really nice facial animations. The combat is nothing terribly special, but it's serviceable to get you to the next cutscene which are, on a whole, really good and well written.
It's also got a myriad of points where the game essentially tests you to choose the right dialogue and choices to get better outcomes. Its actually a pretty fun "choice" based game where there is just enough reactivity in the game to your dialogue that you think about what you are saying before you pick it.
On the whole, I have only fond memories of the game. It's worth this sale price at 11.99 IMO.
Thank you for the link! Always had only a vague understand of NFC communication.
If you can, make sure you open your blinds at night, especially if you usually keep them closed. Even just a modicum of extra light can help you wake up quicker.
Tbh, the only REAL tip I have is go to bed at like, 10 PM ish. I know that sucks ass but then you wake up to the sun in your window naturally and it's a whole different experience.
Bethesda: feedback accepted. Base carry weight is now 50 to be more realistic.
Thank you, sounds fantastic. Might try making this myself next week.
I think you have your games backwards lol. 99% of checks in BG3 have no interesting failure states. They almost all lead to combat or less content overall. Whereas disco Elysium actually has tons checks that are enjoyable or interesting to fail.
I understand that desire a lot!
I do miss traditional dungeons, but as a person who likes playing a ton of different games and genres, I think TOTK (far more than BOTW) really does some incredible things with it's systems and really invites true creativity. I think, overall, that outshines the very enjoyable, but linear approach of the older games.
I would love a next gen, classically dungeon based Zelda game too, but I think that if one of the older Zelda games came out today (skyward sword, ocarina, wind waker, etc) it simply wouldn't have the universally fun pull of BOTW or TOTK.
They have big issues, yeah. But they are doing more to advance gaming as a whole by a huge amount and I can't help but appreciate them.
I agree. The thing that keeps me going is the idea of finding community again.
Not sure how many people in this thread are American, but we have a very independent point of view. The "optimal" way of living is leaving your parents, leaving your home, and building a new home somewhere else. We tend to be more independent overall and less likely to look to others for comfort, to our detriment. At least, that has been my experience.
So I think the best thing to do is go out there, find a community that DOES care. Because they DO exist. Look for hobby classes, look for new friends in your interests, look for a church (if that is your thing. I am UU so the people at those churches are often some of the nicest, most leftist people around).
I'm moving soon, and I think the thing that keeps me going is the idea of finding new community after I move. You can also affect meaningful change as a community when you can't do it alone.