As an Eagles fan, I'd appreciate if they don't use our name in their sniper nest. If they could call it something more Cowboys appropriate like a trash nest, or little bitch nest, that would be great.
I heard a lot of commentary about the price of eggs tonight. I live in San Diego, America's most expensive city. I've seen at some major chains a dozen eggs in the $6 - $9 range. Most stores I've seen them around $4 or $5 bucks a dozen. I also purchased a dozen yesterday for $2.79, and that was through Doordash even. So like, I call bullshit. Americans are dumb and too lazy to shop around. The gas station closest my house is $5.80 according to Google just now, but I filled up last night about 5 miles away with cash for $3.99. So infuriating that lack of effort or stupidity is likely what drove Trump back into office.
I used to live in downtown Oakland, notoriously not the safest city. I was stumbling home from a night of drinking around 3am one morning, and this guy on a bike rolled up on me out of nowhere and he just goes "hey man, you scared of black people?" He was an older black man that appeared to be disheveled and possibly living on the street, and I legit just laughed and was like, no, I grew up in a city, and I live here, so no, not at all haha. And he just goes, "Alright. You have a good night." and he rode off.
Like 5 years later, I'm waiting for my bus one morning to go to work, and the exact same thing happens. Rolls up on a bike and asks me if I'm scared of black people. Again, I say no, kind of being like dude leave me alone not this again, and he replies "I know you're not. I remember you. Have a great morning." He shook my hand and rolled off, never saw him again. Just such an odd experience haha.
"BiG tEcH cEnSoRed ThE hUnTeR bIdEn StOrY" - 'publicans
I remember being in 3rd grade and learning about the electoral college and thinking, "that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of". Still true to this day.
Not gonna dig through their Twitter feed, but I saw someone a couple months ago ask them this exact question on one of their posts, and they wrote a pretty interesting response. They basically said, we're still here, trying to fuck the system up, but, with all the information we've provided and ported out there to the world, y'all haven't done dick with it. Laws haven't been passed, politicians haven't been ousted, corporations are still abusing the systems. So they were basically saying, what good is them leaking and hacking if the public doesn't take a more activist approach towards change themselves and hold the people they expose accountable.
Closed my X account a couple days ago. He's truly gotten out of control and my feed had become riddled with conspiracy theory fear-mongering garbage. Good riddance. I encourage others to leave as well, it's the only way he's held accountable unfortunately.
Many good points on here. I'd also suggest watching "Get Me Roger Stone". In it, Stone basically details his secrets to getting the 'silent majority' to pay attention. He says that fear is a bigger motivator than love. He says that the uneducated can't tell the difference between entertainment and politics. There's so many lines in that documentary that will make your ears perk up and be like, damnt, this was exactly how they did it.
Went to my normally favorite bar today and they updated their tipping button recommendations to "20%", "69%", and "100%". The 69% was the default option which while I know they're memeing, seemed really uncool as I nearly clicked approve without noticing.
This gave me PTSD to my time working in tech in San Francisco. To me, some of the larger problems with the tech world that don't get highlighted so often is how much people are completely making up what they do. I had zero experience in my industry, none. I sweet talked my way into my role and had a friend at the company put in a good word for me. A couple kudos later and I find myself managing, then running my own department. So many of the employees in many of the more ambiguous non-learned-skillset required jobs like sales, customer service, HR just found there ways into a niche and learn along the way. Unlike say a software engineer who went to school to learn how to code, I did not go to school to learn how to get screamed at on the phone and troubleshoot their tech issues. Brittany here probably didn't go to school to learn how to close deals. The people that designed her programs probably didn't set her up for success enough, and clearly, the mismanaging of new hires vs the bottom line was their fault, not hers. That said, to any young folks getting into the game, I'd say be wary of doing what she did here by recording this interaction and posting it. I know the gratification probably feels right and just in the moment, but she could have made her life a lot worse than a lost job with potential lawsuits. As mentioned above, a job is just a job and unfortunately we are all just a number to the company. You can and will get another job. Always cover your ass though.
I forget which Samsung galaxy model it was, maybe S6, but it had a universal IR blaster built into the phone which was super convenient for controlling all of my devices. I did however often abuse the shit out of it by flipping the channels on bar tvs or turning off the stereo receiver and nobody was ever suspecting it was me on my phone. I guess that's probably why they removed it lol, but it was fun while it lasted.
Could I perhaps interest you in trying a new species, short giraffe: