Night Elves in Warcraft 3: Murderous xenophobic amazons.
Night Elves in World of Warcraft: Bubbly hippie chicks.
Night Elves in Warcraft 3: Murderous xenophobic amazons.
Night Elves in World of Warcraft: Bubbly hippie chicks.
Then some massive org like the NSA creates/captures 51% of the nodes and takes everyone's money overnight.
Should have just said that it already has female dwarfs and refused to elaborate.
What bothers me is when people use that argument to advocate for replacing 'constructs' which evolved more or less naturally over tens of thousands of years, even before the dawn of civilization, with something deliberately engineered by individual humans. Is a cis-normative nuclear family the only way that it's possible to live? Of course not, but it's also what the vast majority of the population wants in their lives, which is why it's the standard.
I can't wait until people find out that you don't even need to train it on secrets, for it to "leak" secrets.
I've seen a living zombie hoard before, at a dump in Nicaragua where they lived. I was told they got high on sniffing shoe glue, which literally causes the brain to decay while they're still "alive," but they just shambled around in a big mob, seemingly aimlessly, with glue smeared under their noses.
Pretty bold for a region that can't last more than a generation or two before devolving into a police state so severe that it plunges the entire globe into armed conflict.
And people wonder why there's so much push back against everything corps/gov does these days. They do not act in a manner which encourages trust.
Why would you want to watch that?
All of it, because apparently humans were wholly unprepared for using computer technology responsibly.
It's almost like trying to run the world on social media was a shit tier idea.
Reproduction isn't a luxury item. It's a survival need. The only reason that it's viewed as such in western society is because our economic system is all kinds of screwed up. People have been brainwashed to consider survival, as a society, in terms of our economic systems rather than in terms of the actual people.